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Link model computer to type computer and other actives

m4r1n hace 6 años actualizado hace 6 años 1

I think that is a good idea when you are creating a model of computer for example, which you can be linked to a a type of equipment.

So at the time of creating a computer, printer or something, that you can, depending on the model and the type of equipment, only shows the models of that manufacturer and that type of equipment.


Assign ticket to a user in that group

José Hilton hace 6 años 0

I've found a thread in GLPI with a answer from a dev to make a request for this feature (link to the thread): https://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=157161

My idea is to filter the tech who was in that group, example:

Open a ticket, assign to GROUP A, only the Tech in GROUP A will be possible to assign to that ticket, not all tech in that entity.

If this feature was already implement, i dont know how to activate and dont see any plugins or tutorial to do that.


Group consecutive documents in timeline

Curtis Conard hace 6 años actualizado hace 6 años 0

If many documents are uploaded to a ticket, change, or problem within a certain timeframe (1 hour?), show them together in a gallery format. If another type of item is added between uploads, create a new gallery. To avoid formatting issues, non-images will need a placeholder image as currently nothing is displayed for those items.

This could be a preference setting for users. Willing to work on PR if there is interest in this.

A very rough example (needs formatting fixed for oversized images, and show the document icon somewhere):

Image 199


approval request through email.

VIVEK SINGH hace 6 años 0

Image 197

Hi there,

Is there any way to grant or refuse a request the ticket(appoval tab) through email.


raccourci vers session distante

Sico31 hace 6 años 0


Et pourquoi ne pas pouvoir ouvrir une fenêtre de prise en main à distance depuis la gestion du l'ordinateur ?

Un raccourci placer par exple a coté du nom du PC permettrait de lancer une fenêtre mstsc directement.

On pourrait pousser plus loin en entrant un paramétrage pour l'utilisateur (technicien généralement) avec leur propre paramétrage de compte Admin et mot de passe afin d'ouvrir une session a distance sur le poste désiré.

Un raccourci vers un ping serait aussi intéressant (actuellement ajouté dans un onglet via un plugin)


add followup

Matthias C. hace 6 años 0


at the ticket page -> Processing ticket you can "Add: FollowUp, Task, Document, Solution". It happend more than once that people enter a long FollowUp, Task or Solution text but by accident they click then again "Add: FollowUp" (or Task or Solution) at the top bar to "add" it, instead of clicking "Add" button below the large text field. That way all the text you have written in the text-area field is lost :-(

Could you please add a small Java-Script check that ask people to "Really clear form?", when they click on one of the top-buttons and there is already text in the large text-area form field.

Thank you.


Permissions private follow-ups

carlosbmc hace 6 años 0

Possibility of establishing permits so that only the assigned technician or assigned technical group can see the private follow-ups.

Not all technicians should see all private follow-ups


Thank you for your ongoing commitment!

Chrisg hace 6 años 0

Because we tend to complain more then praise people. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing commitment to the project. You have come a long way and you guys are still going strong. What an achievement and keep up the great work you guys are doing. 


Disallow removal of last profile from user object

Chrisg hace 6 años actualizado hace 6 años 0

Removal of the last available profile will render the given user inaccessible (with a not authorized). The GLPI interface should not allow the last available user profile to be removed. if numrows == 1 then disable or remove the selectbox.


[API] getMyEntities json formatting

Oyabi6 hace 6 años 0


Currently, when we call apirest.php/getMyEntities/?is_recursive=1  we get something like that:

         "name":"Entité racine >Test"
         "name":"Entité racine > Test2"
         "name":"Entité racine > Test3"

It's really hard to exploit that output.

In my opinion, it will be better if we can have something like that :

         "name":"Entité racine",
