
Saved searches dont recall the list of displayed columns.

Noureddine Ettalhi 5 лет назад обновлен 5 лет назад 1

Describe the bug

Some users want the saved searches to recall the list of the displayed columns, which is logical and intuitive,  so they can use this them as reports which can be exported later into PDF or Excel format.

Page(s) URL


To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to [Assets/Computers]
  2. Make a search by criteria and personalize which list of columns you want to view.
  3. Save this search by clicking on the star icon next to [search] button
  4. Try other searches using other list of criteria and different list of viewed columns.
  5. Try now to run the saved search by clicking on the big star close to logout button on the top-right side.
  6. Error : the saved search recall criteria but not the list of columns.

Expected behavior
Want to recall the list of columns.

This suggestion is already implemented through the following PR :


But we strill need the green light from the community.

The PR contains also another correction for the following problem :

==> The PDF export of the search (or any other format) does not reflect the same columns the user was seeing.


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