
Pouvoir envoyer un mail à des personnes différentes lors de l'expiration d'un contrat

Thomas Terrier 9 years ago updated by Junior 9 years ago 6

Actuellement, on ne peut paramétré qu'un destinataire (ou un groupe) qui recevra toutes les mails sur les alertes sur les fins de contrat.

L'idée est de pouvoir choisir quelle notification de mail envoyer pour chaque contrat ou chaque type de contrat. Ainsi, l'équipe réseau recevra les alertes pour les fins de contrat du réseau, l'équipe système recevra les mails qui le concernent.. ect. Tout le monde ne sera pas prévenu à chaque fois.

Hello, please write in english

Actually we can set up one recipient (or a group) who will receive all mails for notification about contract.

The idea is allowing to chose which mail notification to send for each contract or each contract type. So, The network team will receive the alerts for each network end of contract, The Operation Team will receive only mails which they have been concerned, etc.... Everybody will not be advised at each time.


Thank's for the translation.

As for assets, i think it could be usefull to associate actors ( technicians in charge of contract, group in charge) to contracts

and be able to add these actors to notifications recipients list. ( technicians in charge of contract, group in charge)

actually, contract notifications can be send to profile or group, whatever the contract.


Good ideia ! Associate actors in the moment that the contract is being registerd.

Actually is dificult to setup contract notifiation, we have to enable the option on the entity (could be a default option) and setup who will receive on the notification profiles, it's not practical.