
Add lock mecanism for ticket editing

glpi 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 10
Add a ticket form lock feature to prevent several users to edit the same ticket
Also a button in the ticket to unlock it if user has rights
Yes, but it's only (tested) compatible with 0.83.8, which was released 04/02/2013. Have you run any tests on 0.85.x or 0.90 yet?
In fact the wiki isn't up to date.
Please check the releases section.
I have released a version for 0.85

I'm using the Behaviours plugin for this.


I had not noticed this option this plugin, but it would be even better if this option was incorporated into the core GLPI, and not have to install a plugin for that reason alone.

Thanks Javier.

You're welcome Rodrigo, i agree with you.

Under review

The feature has been integrated in the next major GLPi release