
Phone IMEI

stefano ceccherini 3 years ago updated by Curtis Conard 2 years ago 4


Where are we supposed to enter the "IMEI" of mobile phones ? Nowadays there are two IMEIs, I think a new "IMEI" and "IMEI2" fields should be introduced.


Yes I would like to see this implemented too. IMEI is far more important than fields like Alternate UserName Or Alternate User Number. We need an IMEI and IMEI2 field in the Phones tab please, ASAP.


Is there any implementation plan on the above.....it is cumbersome to note the IMEI from phone and enter it manually. Will be a great advantage.

It is very important to have the IMEI field on the phone screen in GLPI. In-app GLPI Inventory Agent collection.

Image 447


This information (at least a primary IMEI) is indeed collected by the GLPI Agent, but not currently implemented on the GLPI server side. I would say that since it is a device identifier, the solution may be to add a new field directly in the Phone type. However, multi-SIM devices complicate this because then there are multiple and the numbers seem like they would be linked to SIM card slots rather than globally for the phone or SIM cards themselves. If it is required to link them to SIM cards depending on which slot they are in, it could be more complicated.