Add a task to automatically change inventory mode to global for bogus peripheral

Stead 11 months ago 0


I already opened tickets in the past for this issue, it has been partially solved by adding more rules to glpi inventory when filtering serial numbers.

The issue is that we cannot detect all of them and there is no way to detect bogus peripheral in GLPI itself.

One workaround is to manually set inventory management to global when we find a peripheral with a fake serial number (most of them are cheap chinese adapter or usb composite devices) but it requires an admin to find one of them.

In one year we generated more than 25,000,000 log records.
To prevent database from exploding we enabled the cron task that flush logs after one month, but we also flush valuable informations such as owner history on legit devices.

Is it possible to have a task to automatically configure management type from unit to global for example if it changes more than x times the owner in the last x days ?

Cause those lines are created over and over.
We have 500 computers which only inventory themselves once a day, if we shorten the delay, it bloats the database even more cause those devices jump after each inventory from one computer to another