
Combine external links with Remote Management

sistemmsn 6 months ago 0

A few years ago you added the possibility of being able to inventory the meshcentral, today it could be done with rmm, but in these years I have not seen that when it is detected if there is a remote management, it takes the hyperlink, since it is not a standardized link, So what I know is possible is through external links to put our administration and remote management page and pulling the data from the "$id" field that you generate in Item_RemoteManagement.php, since I wanted to do the same with the RMM but this It disappears because I don't know, so the most viable thing is to insert our page through external links: example:

Image 489

As you can see here, the meshcentral has the link enabled so I edited Item_RemoteManagement.php, but this becomes cumbersome because every time there is an update it is lost and I have to reconfigure it

Image 490