
Automatic assignment of a sla according to a period

chguigoz 8 years ago 0

Hello to all.
In my company, we have time periods of intervention in working hours (8-18h) and not working hours (18h-8 a hour, weekend and holidays).
The ticket's SLA varies according to these time periods.
To implement this need in GLPI, I created two different SLA : WO (working hours) and NWO (not working hours) with each two SLT:
- > time response = 30 mn in WO and 2 hours in NWO
- > time of resolution = 2 mn in WO and 4 hours in NWO
Both SLA are based on their own calendar, one for WO and the other one for NWO.


if a ticket is created at two o'clock am, the SLA to apply is the NWO

if the ticket is created at 11 am in the morning on worked Monday, the SLA to apply is the WO.

In GLPI, i did'nt find how  to affect automatically the good SLA according to the period of creation of the ticket. I did'nt find possibility of using the calendar in rules.
Is somebody has an advice with regard to this need?
Thank you for your help !