Ajout d'un Workflow au plugin Formcreator

Raz 7 years ago updated by Tomolimo 7 years ago 5

Ajouter un workflow au plugin formcreator qui pemettrais d'attendre la cloture d'un ou plusieur ticket cible avant l'envoi d'autre ticket à d'autre cible.

Add a workflow to the formcreator plugin that would wait for the closing of one or more target tickets before sending another ticket to another target.


This could be achieved with Processmaker plugin, see: Processmaker Plugin




But i need a Processmaker's server with this plugin?

Just perfect, Thanks you very much!

It's not easy to install, but if you follow the wikis (processmaker plugin and processmaker server) you should be able to get something, and if not don't hesitate to post an issue.