Under review

Automatic location of a device when it is assigned to a user.

uknowx5 7 years ago updated by diego 6 years ago 11

I think there is no solution yet. but it would be very interesting that when assigning a device, the location of the user was automatically added to this device. if this user has this device, this device is in the location of this user. It would read the location of this user and auto-fill the location field of the device.



Hi, I just saw this proposal and added that it is synchronized with the LDAP user's location.

You already can sync the user location from ldap.

hello, what the previous user is requesting is to synchronize the location of the device to the ldap user

if I think it would be quite useful because I have 300 users. each user has a computer, phone, monitors and these devices are located where that user is. if the location were synchronized with the user it would save me changing the location one by one of each device.

I think it's interesting. In our case we have to manually add the user's location to the computer. We already have many users and doing this 1 to one is a lot.

I vote in favor

Under review

We're working on an business rules engine for assets here : https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/pull/3330 .

That might be a cool feature to add.

In the link that you have put me, I have to do something there?