
Improve Search Options of IT Assets - Improvement #3 - Simplify and extend global searches

Tomás Abad hace 7 años actualizado hace 6 años 2

This idea assumes that these others have been taken into account.

This is the idea.

Image 170

It is simple and powerful new feature based on Improvement #1 and Improvement #2. It would allow make queries like this one.

Image 172

In other words:

Computers with processor "Intel Core i5" and operating system "Microsoft Windows XP" or with processor "Intel Core i3" and operating system "Microsoft Windows 7" with a monitor Dell or HP with a size between 17 and 23 inches and HDMI connector and a printer USB which doesn't have network connection properties.

Does anybody else like this idea? ;)

Best regards,


Work in progress

Hello glpi,

Thank you for have heeded my suggestion. It was great news for me.

Only a thing, are you sure you are started this issue and not Improve Search Options of IT Assets - Improvement #1 - Add denial of first conditional?. The picture is not related with this issue.

Best regards,