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What about the integration of Observium?

Not exactly the same.


Switchport XY is attached to networkoutlet Z and device Y. Network outlet Z is located in Location D ... so location of device Y should be set automatically to D.

Finally I figured out, that it is already possible to transfer locations between entities. First the entity has to be select, than "transfer and merge" move the location to the specific entity. 

It is ;)

First select the entity and than choose "transfer and merge" ... it will be moved to the current choosen entity.

Tried to do it with GenericObjects... But also Positions plugin didn't support it. So maybe devices/networkdevices should be still the best :(

@Óscar A network device in my definition is some device, which connects multiple devices or "translate" between different networks (Switch, AccessPoints, Hubs, Router, Gateways etc)

BTW, devices also have network ports.