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search date in the future

Psychomoise hace 5 años 0

it is not possible to use the search engine to search date indicated in the future.

for exemple, if I want to search for certificate that will expire soon, it is not possible to indicate in the search engine a relative date like +2MONTH as only negative relative date are present

to do so, it can be easy based on how GLPI is built, just add the following in inc/html.class.php :

for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
$dates[$i.'MONTH'] = sprintf(_n('+ %d month', '+ %d months', $i), $i);

right after :

for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
$dates['-'.$i.'MONTH'] = sprintf(_n('- %d month', '- %d months', $i), $i);

the rest will do the job


Make webservice plugin usable in security aware companies/customers.

Ľuboš Janica hace 5 años 0

In last version of webservice plugin can call listObjects and getObject only admin user. This makes this plugin useless for security aware company.

For example. If I want to integrate GLPI for example with ansible I can do it using glpi_ansible (https://github.com/Webelys/glpi_ansible) This ansible plugin calls listObjects and getObject and stores credentials in text file. Due to limitation of web service plugin I have to create service account in GLPI with administrator privileges. When servers administrators which are using ansible are not GLPI administrators, the they will got credentials for administrators access to GLPI and this is BAD.

Allow use listObjects and getObject for non admin user and control access to object types according standard GLPI rights.


Allow bigger display of file names

Alex G hace 5 años 0

As you can see filenames are cut quite short for optimal display.

It shows "Configuring the Exist..."

Other columns, like Mime type, allow full (or at least) bigger names without trim.

Image 352

It would be nice if the field was bigger, or even configurable.


Transfer characteristics of models from Components to Dropdowns

Negodneg hace 5 años 0

It is better to transfer charecteristics of models in properties of Component then describe them every time / Лучше перенести характеристики моделей в свойства Компонента, чем описывать их каждый раз 

Image 351


Permitir Observadores aprovarem a solução dos chamados

Daniel França hace 5 años 0

Permissão de os observadores do chamado poderem aprovar a solução do chamado.


Daily reminder for ticket not yet taken over.

Cosmin Macarie hace 5 años 0

Hi, I was wondering if the GLPI platform provides a function that notifies me every day of new tickets, not yet taken over.


allow to order tabs

cqossa hace 5 años 0

in forms, the tab is listed by certain order, not clear how is organized.
After add plugins or add new field tabs/blocks it list before the "All" and "Duplicate/Copy" tab.

It will be nice to be able to re-order  the tabs to make it easier for accessing.


Possibility to import files of massive load format CSV or Excel

Exadata hace 5 años actualizado por Emanuel Wasinger hace 5 años 1

Good day, I would like to know if you can upload a file in CSV or Excel format to the GLPI Inventory, because I need to add more than 500 teams but I have all of them registered in Excel, so creating one team per team is very tedious and time consuming . If anyone can tell me if this possibility exists or if you can only add the GLPI inventory manually.
Thank you


Add name of collector in history

Greg hace 5 años 0

Be interesting if ticket open from collector, the name of the collector is identify in ticket history.


Lista despegable no funciona

Duban Guzman hace 5 años actualizado por Emanuel Wasinger hace 5 años 1

Buenas tardes
Instale la ultima versión y las lista despegable no me funcionan cuando voy a direccionar un técnico, le agradecería si alguien sabe como solucionar esta novedad.