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Add apereo/phpcas to standard GLPI build

Michał Panasiewicz il y a 2 ans mis à jour il y a 2 ans 0

Please add apereo/phpcas to the standard GLPI build.

As far as I can see, the licensing problem that caused the library to be removed 5 years ago currently does not exist.



"ext-zlib": "*",

"apereo/phpcas": "^1.6",

"blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "^10.32",



Transferência de tickets entre entidades

Fabio Neres il y a 2 ans 0

Acrescentar a transferência de tickets entre entidades de forma mais simplificada, assim como ja acontece com os ativos. Hoje ao transferir um ticket o GLPI copia categoria para outra entidade, o que nao é viavel. 


Group parent tickets with child tickets + status of child tickets

Random488 il y a 2 ans 0


-An option to group linked tickets together on the assistance dashboard would help organisation.

-Also having the status and title of a child/ticket ticket in the linked ticket column would also be interesting.


Add a criteria to not update deleted computers

alexmothe il y a 2 ans mis à jour il y a 2 ans 1

Currently, a computer in the trashbin continues to be updated by its inventory agent. This is especially problematic when the computer in the trashbin is a duplicate, and the other one that is not in the trashbin is therefore not updated by the inventory.

A workaround could be to put all the computers in the trashbin with a status of "Deleted", and to add a criterion "does not have the status Deleted" on all the import criterias "computer update".

Suggestion: Add an "is deleted" criteria for import rules.


Knowledge base default tab : browse instead of search

Random488 il y a 2 ans 0


It may be debatable, but the search tab which is default makes the knowledge base look empty to the user, he then has to click on browse to see the content.

Debatable but I think if you would open a Onenote to reach the search page, you would be disappointed.


Project Tasks fields edit

Liss il y a 2 ans 0

Considering project management levels, it would be interesting if, once a task was created by the project manager, the technician responsible for executing it would be allowed to edit only part of the fields of the project task, such as the percents progress, the real_date_start and real_date_end.


Allow filtering by location when looking for a "free item in a specific period" (reservation tool)

CDuv il y a 2 ans mis à jour il y a 2 ans 1

In a multi-site but single entity scenario It would be useful if the  "Find a free item in a specific period" reservation tool allowed users to limit search to a given location.

Example use case: An user located at Paris wants a room for a meeting: it does not want GLPI to offer him rooms available in Grenoble or Bordeaux.

A simple "Location" dropdown with "is/is not/under/not under" operator would suffice.

And it could also be prefilled with user's location.


Possibility to sort reminders by categories

Random488 il y a 2 ans 0


The reminders in GLPI could be sorted with more effeciency if it used a category system a bit like knowledge base items.

Kind regards,


Possibility to cancel the Suppliers publication

Doc il y a 2 ans mis à jour par Александр Русин il y a 1 an 2

Hi friends

, I would like to see in the new version the ability to disable the publication of suppliers of products in the list assigned to the incident.

This is necessary when the supplier database is used to control the purchase of materials , and not as contractors


Add the possibility that and Item can be reserved (reservation) multiple times at the same time

jcervantes-sipecom il y a 2 ans 0

Sometimes an item can be used multiple times at the same times, for example, Computers, someone can access to a computer at the same time at someone else remotely, so there should be an option that allows this kind of items be reserved mutiple times at the same time.