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New Ticket button on main screen

repentandliveholy 1 год назад 0

Hello, dear GLPI-community!

Is this possible to make a quick-button om main screen to create a new ticket?

I think it will be convenient for many people.



Hello - is someone here?

repentandliveholy 1 год назад 0

Adding Drag & drop on the "Select default items to show" screens

Loiseau2nuit 1 год назад 0

Adding Drag & drop on the "Select default items to show" screens would be really appreciated, when it comes to selecting cols to display in global lists


Add choice of pencentage in project states dropdowns

L D. 1 год назад 0

We would like to automate the pencentage of completion of a task or project thanks to the states, instead of selecting for instance 20%, 75% or 100%.

EX : if I select the state "Done", the percentage goes automaticaly to 100%.

Could it be posible to give the choice to add a specific percentage to a state when configurating our dropdows?

Thank you


Signature formulaire FormCreator

SalvAbed 1 год назад 0

Bonjour, je me dis qu'il serait peut-être intéressant d'avoir une fonctionnalité signature sur un formulaire FormCreator, qu'en pense le Dev ? ^^


Recursive super-admin present on all lists

web-network 2 года назад 0

Good morning,

I am super-admin of my GLPI instance with 2 other users.

We manage several daughter entities.

Our role is to manage profiles, create entities and help users. We do not handle ticket processing.

I am required to have the super-admin recursive profile to intervene in child entities. But I appear on all the lists (Requester, Observer, Technician)

As a workaround, I remove the recursive every time I'm done but sometimes I forget.

can we have a preference option > assistance to not appear in the lists?


"Allow creating or editing task/project recursions created by Kanban."

Service TIC 2 года назад 0

Add the option "myself" in tickets, task, problems, changes, project templates assignees

jcervantes-sipecom 2 года назад 0

Using templates save a lot of time, one plus is to have the option in the templates to assign "myself" instead adding a specific user, so the logged user is automatically assigned.


improve automate action

Ludovic 2 года назад 0

Hello all,

I make here a suggest to add functionality on automated action, so instead of just choose one time per week or other, it's would be nice if we can choose the day of the week and an hour instead of take the actual date and actual time...


Task Transfer between Projects

Service TIC 2 года назад 0

Adicione a opção de transferir uma tarefa de um projeto para outro projeto.

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