Windows 10 Toast Notifications (GLPI Plugin Notifications)
Stevenes Donato consideras posible integrar las notificaciones de escritorio de windows 10 con glpi? Algo identico al plugin notifications que haz desarrollado... Saludos...
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Please describe you feature request in english.
There is a notification plugin developed by Stevenes Donato , an excellent job. This plugin works with the Google Desktop notifications and Firefox through the API Web Notifications.
Developer's Guide to Windows 10 Preview: (13) Action Center
The code sample shown in the video seems to be in https://github.com/Windows-XAML/201505-MVA/tree/master/ActionCenterDemo/ActionCenterDemo
See my plugin: http://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/browsernotification
Browser notifications are being implemented for the next GLPI major release.
See this PR : https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/pull/2207
This notifications are send to glpi mobiles applications?