Registration accepted despite the presence of a mandatory field

CH REDON 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

When creating a ticket via the collector, we do not manage the fact that

the category field is mandatory which is very good because the ticket

is not categorized yet by a technician but when the ticket is completed

by a technician, the ticket can be registered despite the fact that this

field is mandatory. It seems to be a bug, no?


no it is a parameters in the options but I can't remember where

The setting to change a normal filed to a mandatory field is in "Home / Assistance / Tickets / Ticket Templates" and , when you CREATE a new ticket in GLPI, it works... here, all is ok.

If the ticket comes from the collector he is not required (it's normal, you don't know the category yet), here again all is ok. But when you complete this ticket, you shouldn't be able to register it without complete this field because he is MANDATORY but you can... so for me it's a bug or a setting to adjust but I can't find where to do it.