Play sound alert when a new ticket is created
Play an audio alert when a ticket is logged, play sound alert when new tickets open. Plugin Dahsboad of Stevenes Donato "play sound alert when new tickets open"
Additionally could be combined with desktop notifications, improve plugin Webnotifications of Stevenes Donato:
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho
Perhaps only play the sound when a requester submits a ticket them self and its not yet assigned to a technician. In my environment technicians create tickets on behalf of users 90% of the time and we don't need to hear the sound for those tickets.
I have an idea for a plugin which could play even more advanced sounds like how a emergency service dispatch works.
1. Informing us of a new ticket of high priority and a brief description (title/category) when created. Using a beep tone before the brief description to indicate priority (3 beeps = major, 2 beeps = very high and 1 beep = high).
2. Number of new tickets outstanding which are of medium, low and very low priorities.
This type of approach would speed up ticket assignment to technician.
Unfortunately I don't have any programming skills.
See my plugin: http://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/browsernotification
Many thanks Edgar...
tarted with the native notification feature:
This will be present in 9.2 release