
automatic ticket transfer rule

klodnitsky 9 years ago updated by Philip Adam 8 months ago 1

Here is a good feature

Business rule to transfer tickets between entities. (new action - move to entity...)


You mean a rule to automatically transfer? Or a button like your parenthesis suggests?

A button to easily transfer tickets between entities would be awesome. I understand the need to be able to tweak parameters when transfering but I personally always transfer everything by default.

This need comes from the fact that while creating tickets from GLPI we cannot choose the entity. And we have an entity for a department. All our users could create ticket for all entities. So, when a user creates a ticket from GLPI, this ticket goes to the root entity and the ticket must be transfered... with the nearly hidden "add to transfer list" action that requires 5 clicks to finally get to the "it's done now go back to where you were manually by using the home button" so it's pretty tedious.