
New website for GLPI Project

tyrone wyatt hace 9 años actualizado por tghuverd hace 6 años 6

The current website looks out of date with the current development of GLPI.

A new modern website similar to http://www.teclib.com/ would better promote the product to new users.

The work on replacing the plugin site http://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/ was a step in the right direction.


Work is in progress for this request

That's really good to hear. Hopefully it can be launched before the GLPI 9.1 release date.

New website was launched and looks great! 

Please mark as Completed


The site needs HTTPS to secure it.

One no-cost SSL Cert possibility is the EFF's Certbot, deploying 'Let's Encrypt; certificates (https://certbot.eff.org/). Their certs are simple to configure and install on open source web platforms, and support automatic renewal so are very low maintenance.