
mass actors remove option

Sebastien 8 years ago updated by Catherine TASSAUX 3 months ago 3


In the list of all tickets not solved, we're able to mass add an actor but we're unable to mass remove an actor

i.e. : you have 10 tickets with actor named A and you want to transfer them to B. You can't mass remove A but you can mass add B.

So it would be easier to mass remove A in one action and then mass add a new one

It also would be nice if you can update/replace an actor, see https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/4500

Would definitely like to see this. We have a bunch of tickets that got assigned incorrectly via sla rules. It is a lot of manual effort to change all of there

Since we are using the latest version of GLPI for Human Ressources and are using transfert from one Entity to another we would love to have this mass action enable on the next upgrade.It's trully missing in this system.