Multi-instance of GLPI with database synchronization
The idea is have the possibility to have several GLPI instances (one in America, one in Europe, and one in Asia), and to be able to synchronize the databases, to be able to locally speed up the work with GLPI.
This implies that all IDs are transformed to GUIDs (or that IDs are given by a unique source, master DB?).
This will permit split of database (for exemple based on entities), and merge of databases.
Thank you,
The idea is have the possibility to have several GLPI instances (one in America, one in Europe, and one in Asia), and to be able to synchronize the databases, to be able to locally speed up the work with GLPI.
This implies that all IDs are transformed to GUIDs (or that IDs are given by a unique source, master DB?).
This will permit split of database (for exemple based on entities), and merge of databases.
Thank you,
Customer support service by UserEcho
I think you should check Percona XtraDB Cluster
Thank you, but what we are looking for is not really a cluster solution, but a replication solution
We have found some ideas based on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-replication-multi-master.html and https://www.linode.com/docs/databases/mysql/configure-master-master-mysql-database-replication/ (sorry last link is in french).
We are going to mount a POC (Proof Of Concept) between America, Europe, and Asia.
And I'll keep you informed about this
Thank you
Percona is the leader of MySQL advanced systems and so also for replication.
I speak with experience. We currently have multi location replication with this solution above MySQL.
By the way, we could discuss it by voice, you know how to contact us ;)
Thank you,
I'll speak about it with my systems guys
that was a good suggestion
so glpi team is providing this feature at the DB layer ?