
Add Workflow engine

John Wilcox 9 years ago updated by David Stievenard 5 years ago 21
One should be able to build custom workflows in GLPI for tasks, changes, requests and so on. Currently you have to follow the built in workflow, which might not always match the real-life process and requirements.
A first work has been done by Tomolino on it's processmaker plugin : https://forge.glpi-project.org/projects/processmaker
And It is very good ...
Tomolino's work is excellent, no doubt about that but it is not a part of GLPI - it's a plugin. That means that while it may work today, the situation might change tomorrow when a change is submitted to GLPI and ProcessMaker stops working, Tomolino does not have time anymore and GLPI team does not care either, because it is a plugin.
Hi John Wilcox,

I disagree with you. The GLPi team cares a lot about plugin.
In fact tomolino & vincent already introduced the plugin to our team.

We're very interested add a workflow capability in GLPi, but it's a big work to be done.

Yes, John you are right, but this plugin is mandatory for IT use to my company. We have a running process already: Change Management and we are about to golive with 4 more processes: Mobile Phone Management and User Management (New, Change and Delete).
Current status is that the plugin is compliant with GLPI 0.83 and ProcessMaker 2.5.2, but work is in progress to migrate it to GLPI 0.90 and Processmaker 2.8 and 3.0 (is already compliant with 2.8 and

I hope in the future that it will be integrated into the core. I may work on that as soon as we have finished to upgrade our own GLPI to 0.90



can you give any availability date for your plugin for 0.90 version ? :)

by the way you do great job;


I'm currently working on the migration, but cannot give you any schedule,

keep an eye on the thread :)


Any news regarding version 0.90 and Tomolimo's plugin?



Currently working on some urgent internal tasks, but it's on the way to be out at max for April I believe.

Sorry for being so late.




have you had time to finish your migration ?

Any news about compatibility with glpi 0.90.x ?

Thanks :)


I'm preparing the release 2.6 that will be compatible with ProcessMaker server (but only for GLPi 0.83), and the 3.0 release that will be compatible with GLPi 9.1
These releases should be out before end of year (probably in 1 or 2 months)


To give some news: currently preparing new versions that will be compatible with GLPI 9.2 (a version is already existing, but had some bugs) and one for GLPI 9.3

This new ProcessMaker plugin will be compatible with ProcessMaker server 3.3.0

Thank you,





To keep you up to date: ProcessMaker plugin is available and currently maintained for GLPI 9.2, 9.3, 9.4





We have started a comprehensive study for a more global and standardized (in-core, or with official module) workflow system that is based on the current GLPI rules engine but complies with the BPMN 2.0 standard.

We plan to use the following libraries:
- bpmn-js for visualization and administration (creation / editing) processes
- workflower for the BPMN integration flow engine with the GLPI rules framework

It will be possible to graphically define, via flow diagrams, workflow processes directly with GLPI.



bpmn-js seems very good and very nice, and it can read / edit bpmn diagrams exported from ProcessMaker :)...

Workflower: it seems to be nearly dead? Last release is from 31 Jan 2018...

https://github.com/phpmentors-jp/workflower/releases And obviously limited to exclusive gateways :(

As a reference I'll post minimal specifications.




I'm still wondering why trying to include this in the heart of GLPI (if this is the case)

Honnestly, The ProcessMaker plugin makes it easy to integrate a workflow engine in GLPI tickets (since 4 years now...)

We design a bpmn worflow and on top of that we make forms and we are able to automatically create tasks in tickets, and they are routed to who we define in the workflow...

On top of that, I agree with Tomolimo to be a bit sketical with the life of Workflower





Please find below the specifications for a workflow engine integration in GLPI.

As a reminder: 

These specifications are the result of 5 years of work in this field (we have started integration of ProcessMaker in GLPI in October 2014).

Currently in our GLPI there are more than 2113 cases (= running processes). Increasing daily with a step of 10 new cases per day...

With 5 different processes:

  • Phone request management (linked to Tickets)
  • ERP rights request management (linked to Tickets): 
  • Change and Release management (linked to Changes)
  • Custom code management (business process) (linked to Tickets)
  • Employee off-boarding (linked to Tickets)

Plus: Employee on-boarding (not in currently in use).

Thank you,



Specification for a BPMN 2 Process Editor and Workflow Engine for GLPI


  1. Below the mention, “GLPI object” references an object that can own GLPI tasks: a Ticket, a Change or a Problem. Could it be a Project?
  2. Terminology:
    1. A “Process” is a workflow definition, it contains Tasks, linked together with Gateways
    2. A Task is a set of Steps
    3. A Step, can be a form or a generated PDF document
    4. A Gateway is a conditional gate linking tasks. Gateway types are inclusive OR (OR), exclusive OR (XOR) and parallel AND (AND).
    5. A “Case” is a running instance of a Process
    6. Case variables: variables that scope is the running case.
  3. Beware that the feature below are the minimal requirements!


Must be using the same technologies than GLPI:

  • PHP
  • HTML/CSS Javascript
  • MySQL (or MariaDB) (better if using PDO)
  • Being open source, and having an active community!

Process Editor features

  • Web application (no client installation), (integration into GLPI core?)
  • Process management,
    • To add new processes,
    • To delete existing one,
    • To manage process versions,
    • etc…
    • includes hook to execute scripts on special events:
      • start of a case
      • delete of a case
      • cancel of a case
      • re-assign of a case (re-assign of at least one task in the case)

BPMN 2 diagram (=process map) editor

  • Tasks:
    • Include one or more Forms that will be “executed” by the Workflow Engine (like a steps by steps wizard).
    • Include conditions that are used to show or not the Forms in the steps by steps execution.
    • Include assignment rules to compute which task(s) will be executed after the current one (called routing). These assignment rules can be static or dynamic (see below task assignment rules)
    • Include hooks to execute scripts (PHP scripts):
      • Before forms: to do computations to impact what is shown in Forms,
      • After forms: to do computations that are using what has been input in Forms.
      • Before assignment: to do computations that are used to decide assignment for next tasks.
      • Before Routing: to do computations that are used to decide which task(s) will be the next task(s).
      • After Routing: to do computations that are based on the results of the routing (newly created tasks).
    • Task types:
      • Form task: contains a list of forms (steps by steps wizard)
      • Service task: dedicated to call SOAP or REST API and return results.
      • Script task: PHP script to be executed in the process flow.
    • Marker types (a task can be marked as follow):
      • Loop: the task is repeated until a condition is true.
      • Parallel: the task is instantiate and is assigned to people specified (static or dynamic). It is working more or less like a template task that is instantiate several times and each instance is assigned to a different person.
    • Gateways (OR, AND, and XOR), divergences and convergences:
      • Inclusive (OR) gateways: one or more tasks are activated after current one (depending on conditions).
      • Parallel (AND) gateways: all tasks following current one are activated (no conditions). These // tasks are executed in //...
      • Exclusive (XOR) gateways: one and only task, in the list of tasks following the current one, is activated.
    • Pools and swim lanes: used to clarify the process map
    • Start and end events
    • Sub-process (a process by itself that can be used in several processes like a subroutine). When called, variables can be passed to the sub-process:
      • Synchronous sub-process: execution of the sub-process in parallel with the main process. The synchronous sub-process will return variables to main process when it finishes. The main process will wait for the sub-process to finish (depending on the diagram).
      • Asynchronous sub-process: execution of the sub-process in parallel with the main process. The asynchronous sub-process will not return variables to main process when it finishes.
  • Database connections: to be able to connect to any kind of DB (mysql, postgresql, oracle, MSSql,…), and to use these connections in scripts or in Forms.
  • A variable dictionary: it can be used to group all the variables used in the process (Case variables).
  • Output documents: possibility to generate PDF using a localized template defined using the Case variables. This is great to generate PDF documents like “confidential agreements”, or else.
  • Form editor:
    • Field types:
      • Textbox,
      • Textarea,
      • Dropdown (like select2), options may come from a static definition or a dynamic SQL request (made via database connections),
      • Checkbox,
      • Radio buttons,
      • DateTime picker,
      • Titles (H1, H2, …),
      • Images,
      • Buttons (normal or submit),
      • Tables (grids with add, delete, pages features),
      •  …
    • Panels (to be able to add HTML code)
    • Sub-forms (to be able to include existing Forms in a main Form, like templates)
    • Fields must be mapped to Case variables (variables with scope in running case)
    • Dependent fields (ex: dropdown options that depend on a value of another field)
    • Field values: static or dynamic from SQL request (made via database connections),
    • Field default value: static or dynamic from SQL request (made via database connections),
    • Field validation: JavaScript formula and/or regex
    • JavaScript scripts:
      • To be able to include external JavaScript libraries
      • To be able to write JavaScript code that will be included in the Form during execution time.
    • Form sandbox-rendering display. It will permit to view a form without running the complete process.
  • Localization must be available for user interface objects:
    • Forms,
    • Fields,
    • Tasks. In Tickets, Changes and Problems, tasks must be dynamically localized depending on the language of the GLPI user who is logged in.
    • Output documents,
    • Process map, …

Localization must be also available when PDF exports are generated for Tickets, Changes and Problems, using the “Print to pdf” export plugin.

  • Time zone management must be available

Task assignment rules

Possibility to assign a task to a user or to a group of users: static (at task edition) or dynamic (during process execution via a PHP script).

  • Cyclical assignment: the task is automatically assigned to one person within the list of available people.
  • Manual assignment: the task is manually assigned to one person within the list of available people.
  • Reports to: the next task is automatically assigned to the manager of the user who terminates the current task
  • Value based assignment: next task is automatically assigned to a user via a Case variable (a PHP hook/script can be used to set the value of the variable).
  • Self-service: next task is automatically assigned to a group, and anyone in the group can “claim” the task to execute it.
  • Self-service value based assignment: next task is automatically assigned to a group via a Case variable (a PHP hook/script can be used to set the value of the variable), and anyone in the group can take the task to execute it.
  • A timeout timer can be used to set time limit to execute the task. Then actions can be:
    • To send a reminder to the assigned user (or assigned group)
    • To escalade the task to the manager of the user (or to the manager of group)
    • To re-assign the task to another user.
    • To automatically execute the task with specified values for the form fields, and to derivate (route) the case to the next task(s).
  • Possibility to define “super-users” in task properties. Those “super-users” can be re-assigned to the task in case of emergency (for example: assigned user can’t execute the task, he/she may be ill, or in holidays).

Workflow Engine

This part describes workflow engine capabilities and interactions with GLPI objects.

  • Start a case (running instance of a process) from/for any GLPI object
  • Delete or cancel a case (with rights)
  • Start a case from mailgate (depending on GLPI business rules and/or information in the email).
  • Start a case on a defined schedule, either recurring (i.e.: every Monday start a case from process XXX), either one shot (on next Monday, start case from process XXX).
  • Start a case from simplified interface (post-only/self-service profile) using ticket type (incident or request) and ticket category.
  • Start a case (process selection) with rights over entities/profiles, and/or business rules, and/or object category
  • Possibility to start one or more processes (same or different processes) in a GLPI object (must be possible to limit the quantity of started processes).
  • In a GLPI object, it should be possible to see the current running:
    • case task list, composed of zero or more tasks (is empty when case is completed = no more task to do):
      • case task assigned to current GLPI user:
        • possibility to re-assigned task to someone having rights on this task (or to a super-user)
        • possibility to assign task to a group with rights on the task (i.e.: the task will go “to be claimed”)
        • execution of the steps (forms, or output PDF document) in the task (steps by steps),
      • case task assigned to someone else:
        • view of a sum-up
        • possibility to re-assigned task to someone having rights on this task (or to a super-user),
        • possibility to assign task to a group with rights on the task (i.e.: the task will go “to be claimed”)
      • case task assigned to a group (to be claimed task):
        • possibility to claim this task if the current user is in the assigned group
        • possibility to assigned task to someone having rights on this task (or to a super-user),
        • possibility to assign task to a group with rights on the task (i.e.: the task will go “to be claimed”)
      • case sub-process: when task is executing a sub-process, show a sub-process sum-up with a link to it, to be able to execute sub-process.
    • case information sum-up,
    • case map: shows a read-only graphical map of the process to show the finished tasks, running tasks and future tasks.
    • case history: shows a list of the already done tasks with history (which tasks, who and when) with re-assignments, claims, etc…
    • case variable history (case variables that have been modified per each task)
    • case form history (view of what has been input in a finished form), but in read-only (no modification)
  • In GLPI object linked to the case, evolution of the GLPI object tasks matching the process map:
    • Creation of new tasks matching the new tasks of the case (depending on the process evolution)
    • Changing the technician of the task if the case task has been re-assigned
    • Changing the technician of the task if the case task has be claimed (case task assigned to a group and claimed by a user belonging to the group)
    • Changing the status of the task when the case task has been executed
    • Changing the task to information when the case has been cancelled
  • Possibility to create follow-ups in the GLPI object from a case hook (PHP script).
  • Possibility to set the GLPI object task content from a case hook (PHP script)
  • Possibility to set the GLPI object properties (like title, description, status, category, etc…) from a case hook (PHP script). For extended details: Case variables
    • General variables: to read/write info about GLPI
    • General item variables: to read/write info about GLPI object
    • Item actors: to get info about GLPI object actors
    • Next task: to write info about next GLPI object task
    • Current task: to write info to current GLPI object task
    • Follow-ups: to write follow-ups to GLPI object
    • Solution: to write solution info to GLPI object
  • Possibility to start a new case in a GLPI object (current one or another existing one) from a case hook (PHP script)
  • Possibility to interact between cases (send information from a case hook to another running case).
  • Possibility to call SOAP or REST API from a case (synchronously or asynchronously). To be able to interact with other applications (send data to them or get data from them).
  • Possibility to execute a task from an email via mailgate. The idea, behind this, is the possibility to approve a request (for example, a manager should approve a purchase order) via an email answer.
  • Process versioning:
    • Possibility to have a new version of a process running in parallel with the former one. Explications: if needed former process running cases may continue to run using the former process definition.
    • Possibility to activate/deactivate start of new cases for a process


Notifications must be by default the GLPI task notifications.

It must also be possible to define notification template that will be used by notifications dedicated per process task and per events:

  • new task
  • update task (this one can be used to send re-assignment notification to former assigned technician).
  • task done

Also possibility to send spontaneous notifications from a case hook (PHP scripts). These are based on dedicated templates.

Legal point of view about task content modifications

Mandatory point: when done (i.e. case task has been executed by a user), the content of the GLPI object task MUST not be modified. For examples:

  • purchasing requests when manager approval is needed,
  • “rights request” for accessing sensitive data in an ERP.

Profiles/rights management

  • General rights should be managed per profile and per module:
    • BPMN editor module:
      • Read process
      • Create process
      • Update process
      • Delete process (this right is a bit special, as we must take into account that possibly there are Cases created from this process…)
    • Per profile, we may have rights on running cases:
      • Read: view the case with all its data
      • Cancel: this is a technical cancellation (not the same as if a manager refused to approve a purchase order). Doing this must change the TO_DO case tasks into informational task. DONE tasks are not touched.
      • Delete: if case has been started (created) by mistake, then it should be possible to delete it. Doing this must delete all case tasks in GLPI object (for this case J)!.
    • Process rights should be managed per process, per profile and per entities (recursive or not)
      • Start new cases

Seems difficult to top up Tomolino's post (most epic post on this platform ever !)

I did a quick study of what the market has to offer 1-2 years ago for BPM and here's some information, I'll hope you'll find it usefull 

- no or few code to create a new workflow

- no or few code to connect to a 3rd party system

- users should be able to design a workflow without an IT or project manager, IT should come in the loop just to do pure IT tasks, like connect to a db

- should include a visual form editor

- interface should adapt to mobile version (not a mobile app)

- be able to synchronize with AD/LDAP and do authentication and authorization

- able to use OU,groups,users in AD/LDAP

- able to read "manager" attribute in AD and use that data in

- have included connectors to all kind of system to automate a maximum of tasks : this is where the community can step in

- not require to add a full time java developer in the IT team to operate it

- no cost per user / month (or prepare yourself to face what microsoft offers)

- interface to follow on going process linked with user permissions

- reports

Hello David,

To answer/add to your post.

Based on my experience on workflows (I've been working in this field for 10 years, even before the ProcessMaker adventure :smiley: ):

1. no or few code: this is like a Graal: impossible to reach: every BPMN applications will promise they reach the Graal, but in fact you'll see that each time, after the process definition, and adding some conditions, you'll need to do some scripts to perform specific actions. At the end it is always a compromise between Functional people and IT people.

2. Same remark than 1.

3. Same remark than 1.

4. ok, in my specs

5. ok, not in my specs, but I totally agree,

6. LDAP synchro: yes and no, for me it should be a GLPI users/groups synchronization. As GLPI is synchronized with LDAP, then workflow engine must be synchronized with GLPI

7. same remark than 6.

8. ok, not in my specs, but I agree

9. ok, not in my specs, but I agree

10. ok, an open source application must be chosen 

11. I agree not a full time developer, but see remark 1. You'll ever need a developer

12. ok, not directly expressed in my specs, but can be deducted from them

13. ok, not in my specs, but I agree

I'll add some points in my specs to reflect what you proposed.

Thank you




You may find a PDF version of the posted specifications here: BPMN 2 Process Editor and workflow Engine for GLPI.pdf



thanks for considering my remarks !

For the 'coding topic', it's indeed that's an impossible target...but let's say some systems are closer to the target then others and for simple processes the development effort should be minimum ideally :-)