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The solution Iv'e proposed jsut adds - on demo mode - a language dropdown. Selectd lang will be used, and it will fallback to user/glpi lang as usual if nothing is selected.

An alternative we could provide would be to:

- check user agent to display login page with the according locale,

- always display the language dropdown (somewhere ate the top/right of the login page),

- change login page lang when one is selected in the dropdown (cons: user entries would be reset),

- use dropdown selected at login (or use defaults).


We've talked about that; and we've added the lang selector on the login page on demo mode (will be done for 9.3), see: https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/pull/3934

It would be a good idea to extend available languages. It is not possible to know translation percentage from TX, and adding users with a specific locale will quickly become a nonsense (or we're going to create dozens of users :D).


Adding PostgreSQL support is a very, very huge job.... But we've already made some changes in order to achieve this, like:

- dropping all raw SQL queries (this is not yet finished but a lot of job has been done already),

- switching to PHP PDO (will be possible only in a major release, since this would break many things), etc

I've posted threads about that on the dev mailing list:

- https://mail.ow2.org/wws/arc/glpi-dev/2017-10/msg00007.html

- https://mail.ow2.org/wws/arc/glpi-dev/2017-12/msg00002.html

This feature is not planned. Feel free to do it and propose a pull request on the project.

Linked library seems no longer maintained.

We plan to rework plugins administration so it can use search, massive actions, sorting, ... See https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/issues/989

GLPI 9.2 will permit to send notifications not only to email. So, it would be theoretically possible to send notifications using SMS.

The problem is it would rely on existing gateway; and there seems to have lot of them... And they're not compatible. It is, I think, the major issue to resolve for such a development.

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