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TicketSurvey plugin is no more compatible since GLPI 9.4.
It will be really useful to integrate this plugin in GLPI to make survey creation possible in the ticket description field

Just because it's an essential functionality (not optional).

And it's allays a pity when a new version of GLPI is available but plugin has not been updated yet.

The actual version of this plugin is buged and his developper is not avalibable to debug it.

And it's allays a pity when a new version of GLPI is available but plugin has not been updated yet.

Just because log purging is an essential functionality (not optional).

And it's allays a pity when a new version of GLPI is available but plugin has not been updated yet.

Integrate purgelog plugin

Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho