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If not, please describe it
Add notes to tickets notification
Add notes to labels that can be inserted into project task notifications.
They will be inserted with a for loop because they can have more than one per activity.
The insertion or modification of a note as an "update event" of the activity must also be managed in order to trigger the sending of the notification.
Add Option to Promove to Solution
Hello guys.
We use 90% of GLPI via email, most solutions are sent via email.
There could be an option in the system where I promote the last conversation to solve the problem. That would help a lot.
Currently most of the solution is "OK" as it is answered by email.
Idea Image,
Improving ticket category attribution based on mail collector
Could a solution be thought to improve collecting emails from different mail folders without having to setup multiple collectors to have them placed in specific glpi categories??
With the actual version of glpi, those are the possibilities : :
-business rules allow detection of the subject, however an email subject from an external party/client, is not something in general which you want to change/touch
-business rule based on collector's email adress is ok, however setting up several collectors to have their specific folder inspected could maybe be done in a more pragmatic way.
In a better world of course gmails, thunderbird, etc, would have a similar header field for tags and labels and then an easy rule could be added :)
Thank you for your time
v10.0.5 gabarit ticket champs masqués
Sur les gabarits tickets default et utilisateur, j'ai masqué 2 champs :
observateur et lieu
quand je me connecte avec un code utilisateur, les champs ne sont pas masqués.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
Bonen jorunée
Add an upgrade console command
Upgrading GLPI to a new version is a pain. It would be great if there was a console command to upgrade GLPI to the new version.
Add more than one Group at Automatic rule assignment rule
It is not possible add more than one Group to users through Automatic User assignment rule
After add the first group, the option GROUPS is not displayed again.
It will be very usefull to Work with Groups based on Catalog Services
Business rules for tickets
Hi! It would be interesting to add the option of transferring calls between entities in the rules, as with items. Example: Criterion = technical group Action = entity assign x In this way, calls would be automatically routed between en
User permissions - history etc
Is it possible for the reporting user in the simplified view not to display the history of the request and information such as the person assigned to perform the task
resizing column witdth on ticket list view
I do not know if this is a big modification or not but resizing horizontaly column witdth on assistance view would rock(and thank you for already adding the column reorder in glpi 10 !)
Kind regards,
Add apereo/phpcas to standard GLPI build
Please add apereo/phpcas to the standard GLPI build.
As far as I can see, the licensing problem that caused the library to be removed 5 years ago currently does not exist.
"ext-zlib": "*",
"apereo/phpcas": "^1.6",
"blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "^10.32",
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho