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Targets for tasks/solution templates

Arthur Schaefer 7 years ago updated by Eduardo Spinola 4 years ago 4

The ability to choose who can use each solution and tasks templates.

In the knowledge base we have the ability to choose the targets which can see some items. We could put that function also on the Solution and Tasks templates. What do you think?

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NoMachine NX Remote Desktop Integration with GLPI

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

Integrate GLPI with No Machine NX Remote Destokp, a real alternative to Teamviewer:


NoMachine NX is an enterprise-class solution for secure remote access, desktop virtualization, and hosted desktop deployment built around the self-designed and self-developed NX suite of components. Thanks to its outstanding compression, session resilience and resource management and its integration with the powerful audio, printing and resource sharing capabilities of the Unix world, NX makes it possible to run any graphical application on any operating system across any networkconnection.

NX is SSH encrypted, has random cookie generation, and is compressed for speed. Free version is available to everyone, and enterprise and server editions are available at cost.


Round Robin ticket auto assignment

The Tech 8 years ago updated by blippercop 2 years ago 2
The idea is to avoid the need of a manager assigning tickets to techs. In small shops, where there are a few techs doing the same job, and maybe a manager which it would be great to have tickets automatically distributed as they are created, among techs in a group.

Had to be added as a business rule for tickets action, where you could select the group where tickets with no tech assigned would be distributed.

Of course, it would be great to have a Load Balance auto-assignment system. It would be harder to code, though.


Add solution author tag to notification templates

Sheldon Harris 9 years ago 0

Create a new notification template tag for the solution author that shows up in the Processing Timeline.


Active Directory Fields Synchronization

Rodrigo Morato Rodrigues 9 years ago updated by SourcesGuard 1 year ago 5

I appreciate it very much if there are more users fields of options to synchronize with the existing information in Active Directory in "Setup->Authentication->LDAP Directorys->MY AD CONFIGURATION>Users", combined with Administrations-> Users.

For example:

In "Administrations->Users->MY USER FROM AD->User", there is the "LOCATION" field, but in "Setup->Authentication->LDAP Directorys->MY AD CONFIGURATION->Users", there is no field with this option so I can sync from AD this information.

Thus, other options that would be important to sync with AD:

Name in AD




















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Enable Single Sing On with Red Hat Single Sing On

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 8 years ago updated by Walid Nouh 8 years ago 1

Enable Single Sign On, OAuth 2, SAML, Open ID, Social Login with:

Single Sign On

Red Hat Single Sign On

Single-Sign On

Login once to multiple applications

Standard Protocols

OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and SAML 2.0

Centralized Management

For admins and users


Secure applications and services easily

LDAP and Active Directory

Connect to existing user directories

Social Login

Easily enable social login

Identity Brokering

OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0 IdPs

High Performance

Lightweight, fast and scalable


For scalability and availability


Customize look and feel


Customize through code

Password Policies

Customize password policies


E-Signature with pki.js and mozilla pdf.js

Ricardo Alexander Perez Ricard 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 1



PKIjs is a pure JavaScript library implementing the formats that are used in PKI applications (signing, encryption, certificate requests, OCSP and TSP requests/responses). It is built on WebCrypto (Web Cryptography API) and requires no plug-ins.

Some examples:


Signature verification and PDF sign example:




A general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.


We have implemented both signing and signature verification of PDFs in browser using https://pkijs, you can see an early signature verification demo here: https://pkijs.org/examples/PDFexample.html we have not yet integrated with PDFjs but will be doing that in the not so distant future. Our intention is to release most of this as OSS and give back any changes to PDFjs that are necessary to make integration smooth.


Private Documents

tyrone wyatt 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 0

Can you please make a feature to allow documents to be made private in a ticket.

Every now and again we need to attach a documents to a ticket that contains private information.

As documents are not private we have been saving these documents into our departments shared network drive.

Not saving these documents to the ticket often causes issues if the case is reviewed at a later date.


Behavior plugin integration

ylagva 9 years ago updated by asdf 2 years ago 8
Integrate features of Behavior plugin in GLPI 0.90

Multiple conversations in a ticket

finalbeta 6 years ago updated by Bruno Silva 4 years ago 1

Let's say someone creates a ticket in our system. We may need to be contact 3th parties for the ticket. We perhaps would contact someone else (his boss, a supplier) through mail. In GLPI you have to do that through other means, and log the result in GLPI once done. 

The problem with this is that it's much harder to have teams working on a ticket, as some info is handled outside the ticket. 

GLPI could allow the agent to pick a user to send a mail to. (This mail could be marked as private even by adding something to the mail, that way a reply would be private too). 

This is something that is handled for example in OTRS in a very good way.