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mass actors remove option

Sebastien 8 years ago updated by Catherine TASSAUX 2 months ago 3


In the list of all tickets not solved, we're able to mass add an actor but we're unable to mass remove an actor

i.e. : you have 10 tickets with actor named A and you want to transfer them to B. You can't mass remove A but you can mass add B.

So it would be easier to mass remove A in one action and then mass add a new one


Assign all tasks for a ticket and Change category

Jérôme STIVAL 8 years ago 0

Example : Create a new ticket (Demande) like : "Commande d'un nouveau PC"

it automatically generates a task list to do (workflow) :

- Passer la commande chez le fournisseur

- Livraison de la commande

- Installation de l'os du PC

- Installation des applications de base

- Livraison du PC à l'utilisateur

This would also make standard changes (ITIL standard)

It's look like a "Catalogue de services"


Add Validation Status on Rules under Business Rules for Ticket

J-Mar Protacio 7 years ago updated by Ney Ramon 6 years ago 1

Hi GLPi Developer.

Good day.

Can you add a new features on GLPi under Rules -> Business Rules for Ticket. 

Please add new option (Validation Status if it is Refused or Granted. and also the Validation Percentage if it is 0% 50% or 100%) under Criterias so we add a new Workflow to seek for approval of the group managers before it proceed the ticket to ITService Delivery. I think this features will help all the GLPi user to enchance their Ticketing System. 

Thank you and God Bless.


Monitoring satisfaction survey.

Rodrigo Morato Rodrigues 9 years ago updated by glpi 5 years ago 14
It would be great if I could monitor the responses of satisfaction surveys. For example, if a user score a ticket with less than three stars, an business rules for tickets could send an email to specific people (a quality sector, for example) so they could talk for this user..
Under review

Automatic location of a device when it is assigned to a user.

uknowx5 7 years ago updated by diego 6 years ago 11

I think there is no solution yet. but it would be very interesting that when assigning a device, the location of the user was automatically added to this device. if this user has this device, this device is in the location of this user. It would read the location of this user and auto-fill the location field of the device.



Remote Monitering and Management Integration (Tactical RMM)

Martin Bhuong 12 months ago updated by Guillaume Bougard 7 months ago 1

At the moment, GLpi does not have an Official Remote MAnagement an Monitering system integration.

Would it not be cool to have an integration with TacticalRMM which is an Opensource Remote Management and monitoring system.

the Solution has Agents, which when deployed on Machines, are able to query the information of the device, and if computers, have the ability to remote control those Machines.

the integration would feature, Combined agent deployment, and Assets Mapping between the two platforms

TActicalRMM is completley Opensource, and Available on github here: amidaware/tacticalrmm: A remote monitoring & management tool, built with Django, Vue and Go. (github.com)

The developers of TActicalRMM are OPen to a collaboration with Glpi here: Feature request : ticketing integration · Issue #1710 · amidaware/tacticalrmm (github.com)

IF GLPi is open to the same.


add firmware specificity for item_devices

Николай Куликов 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1


It would be great to have firmware specificity for parts, for example for disks or network card, or raid controllers


Customers [Self-Service] Users to close their own ticket option due to customer-error/or they solved the case.

rcastillo 3 years ago 0

Customers [Self-Service User] should close their own ticket.

I would think they should have that ability. Many other helpdesk applications give that attribute since a customer can solve their own case due to user-error.

Thank you


Profile: new column for Standard-Assistance->"New tickets"

Davide 3 years ago updated by alexandierg 3 months ago 3

It would be useful to be able to define permissions to be able to see New tickets (not yet assigned)


Add only the last document in ticket notification

Eric Staraj 6 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

The prevent the notification to be rejected by the mail server, add only the last document added in the follow-up of the ticket to the notification. In the overway, the size of the mail may grow to much and could be rejected