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Number of processor's core used vs total number

Walid Nouh 8 лет назад 0

The number of processor's cores as returned by FusionInventory is the number of used cores.

It's possible to disable some core in the bios. In this case, dmidecode return the information of the total number of cores.

One example is Oracle Database appliances, where cores may be disabled for licensing issues.

It would be interesting to a new field to store the total number of cores.


add fields unicity

Ludovic D. 8 лет назад обновлен Michał Panasiewicz 3 года назад 1


It's possible to add two fields unicity ip address and mac address with the object network ?

Thanks for your answer

Best regards,


Planning: enhance planning date change

pVesian 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 0


An enhancement of a task's planning date would be nice. Unless someone tells you to or you look in the code, you can't guess that you can click to edit the date. See screenshot for a proposal, but I'm not a designer, so feel free to enhance it.

Image 68


Support cloud storage

Walid Nouh 8 лет назад 0

Support storage of documents in owncloud, or google drive


Bouton "Enregistrer et fermer"

Gringos 8 лет назад обновлен pVesian 8 лет назад 2


il serait bon d'ajouter un bouton "enregistrer et fermer" pour chaque formulaire (ticket, ordinateurs, imprimantes,...). A chaque modification, on ne veut pas forcement rester sur le formulaire mais revenir au résultat de notre recherche.


add picture for knowledge base on home page

Yannick 8 лет назад 0


It would be relevant to add a picture next to the first word of entries of knowledge base

image - word tips


IP filtering for SSO auth

Walid Nouh 8 лет назад 0

Define a whitelist of IP or host that are able to use autologin function


notification per entity

Sebastien 8 лет назад 0

Hello everyone

I did not see that request.

How is working the mail notification when using same recipients on differents entities ?

I.E. : if I use 2 entities named root and root2.

Recipients in Ticket Notification template are Admin and technician

Users sends mail to helpdesk and if no rule is set, so what's about the notification ? The technician will receive twice mail notification saying "New Ticket" ?

So my request would be if we could set Notification template (i.e. : for New ticket) per entity ?


Trucate RSS feed item mouseover

thorped 8 лет назад 0

Currently large RSS items are not displayed well when moused over. I suggest truncation. 0.90.5


Example dataset for GLPI

CDuv 8 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 1

I think an example dataset that covers every feature of GLPI (computers, network ports, patch network, softwares/licences, tickets/problems/changes, budgets, etc.) would be helpful.

My opinion is that some uses GLPI as an inventory database for their machines/licences, others for helpdesk management (with or without team planning).

And I think few uses the full potential of GLPI (partly because not everybody needs to).

When you are not aware of the problems that GLPI gives answers to, it's difficult to truly understand how some parts works and should be used.

In my case: I use inventory, helpdesk and documents. I also use GLPI to model how my network equipments are connected together. But I have no idea of what the "Project" part aims to offer: the best I can do is fill the blanks in the forms and see where it leads me...

By looking at an example dataset I might understand what each part of GLPI is supposed to do and use it as it was thought/imagined by original author.

This would also express some common "patterns" we are using (eg. "states" dropdowns).

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