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Helpdesk.html New Fields

Florian hace 3 años 0


is it Possible to integrate in the helpdesk.html the follwoing Fields? actually requests opened by the helpdesk.html would not saved. 





Filter tickets by project in tickets listing

Random488 hace 3 años actualizado por dhrzic hace 2 años 1

Please allow tickets to be filtered by projects.

Kind regards,


Rights for assets status

maxou hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 0


Is it possible to add an option to add specific status for specific people ?

For example on the dropdown Status the "Valid return" option will be uniquely available for specific groups.

The Technician Team group will not see this button.

The Project Team group will see this button.

Image 397

Is it also possible to create rules to to prevent error during the change of a status, example with this matrice :

When a computer is set to "Supplier - valid return",  can you add a option to make it impossible to return in another section like "Production - on site/at home" ?

Image 398

Do you think that's possible ?

Thanks in advance for your response.


Integrate the mail analyzer pugin

Riesuu hace 3 años 0

This allows when you use the collector, to have only one mail for each response. This is more than convenient.

GitHub - tomolimo/mailanalyzer: Mail Analyzer GLPI Plugin may be used to combine CC mails into one Ticket


Import data from I-DoIT

proofy hace 3 años 0

I-DoIT is a software like GLPI. However, the development of GLPI is progressing much better than I-DoIT and I am considering switching. But then I don't want to start from scratch with my inventory.

Therefore it would be great if there is an easy way to import the data from I-DoIT into GLPI.

Perhaps a merger of the two open source projects would be possible at some point, because I-DoIT covers more the German-speaking region.


Show parent elements in a less contrasted color

Mathieu MD hace 3 años 0

Inline display of tree elements (for example: Root Entity > Group Inc. > My Department or France > Toulouse > Building B) in tables don't allow user to quickly see the relevant information (here, My Department or Building B).

Parent elements should be in a less contrasted color. See screenshots.



Multiple BaseDN for LDAP/AD start search

Michał Panasiewicz hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 1

Add to start search only specific DN:

ou=users, ou=office1, dc=company, dc=org

ou=users, ou=office2, dc=company, dc=org

ou=users, ou=office3, dc=company, dc=org

ou=users, ou=office4, dc=company, dc=org



Transfer a entity to another entity, they are no visible

Michał Panasiewicz hace 3 años 0

When you try to transfer a entity to another entity , they are no longer visible and controllable.

In the database, the glpi_entities.entities_id field got the value -1.

A parallel hierarchy of entities has arisen.

GLPI 9.5.6

Look here:


New rule for transfer between entities and change status, based on example: status and entities,

Michał Panasiewicz hace 3 años 0

Is it possible, for example, to automatically transfer equipment between entities with rules.
If the equipment is added to entity "A" and has the status "for transfer", (and other additional criteria also possible) do a transfer to entity "B" and set the status "after transfer"?
So that, for example: a person who add the equipment and is in a subordinate entity, could transfer it further to another entity, but through an automatic transfer rule, as it does not have the right to transfer it to superior entities.

It's not about the rules that apply to fusioninwentory but for equipment, for example, added manually when in this moment do not have agent and is on stock.

Or for equipment that, for example, has not been updated by FusionInventory for a long time


Projects - limit task and sub-project team member selection to parent project team membership

Derry Birse hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 1

Under normal circumstances task and sub-project team membership should be limited to the members of the immediate parent project's team.

So if we have a project/tasks hierarchy as follows, with corresponding team members in braces, the bold and underlined team memberships would not be prevented, in Task 3, bill could not be a member of the Task team, because he was not a member of the parent project (Sub-Project 1) team and in Sub-Project 2, peter could not be a member of the sub-project team, because he was not a member of the parent project (Top Level Project) team:

  • Top Level Project (fred, joe, sally, jane, bill)
    • Sub-Project 1 (fred, sally, jane)
      • Task 1 (sally)
      • Task 2 (fred, jane)
      • Task 3 (fred, bill)
    • Sub-Project 2 (fred, joe, peter)