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Rule to create a ticket on close

ciadch il y a 8 ans 0

Hello,It could be really interesting to have a way to create automatically a ticket on certain criteria. For exemple on status close it costs exists. What we need is a way to find easily billing tickets.


Visibility of ticket's categories

Breakedin il y a 8 ans 0

Hy, the team,

Could we get the ability to filter the visibility of the categories according to the groups. It would be more flexible to add this additional option to more complex organizations like ours.

Thank you.

Salut l'equipe,

Pourrait-on obtenir la possibilité de filtrer la visibilité des catégories en fonction des groupes. il serait plus flexible de rajouter cette option supplémentaire pour les organisations plus complexe comme la nôtre.

Je vous remercie d'avance.


Add possibility to configure the Unactive Account Page

Pierre LEBEL il y a 8 ans 0


It would be great to have the possibility to configure the content of the page Unactive account, like the maintenance page.

It's only display, in french :

Vous n'avez pas accès à cette application car votre compte a été désactivé ou supprimé



Add asset type similar to Printers and Cartridges

Sam il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Walid Nouh il y a 8 ans 4

I would like to ask for the addition of 2 asset types. UPSs and Batteries. This would allow us to keep track of our good spare batteries and know how often we are replacing batteries do to failure or do to scheduled maintenance. Thanks for the consideration.


Number of processor's core used vs total number

Walid Nouh il y a 8 ans 0

The number of processor's cores as returned by FusionInventory is the number of used cores.

It's possible to disable some core in the bios. In this case, dmidecode return the information of the total number of cores.

One example is Oracle Database appliances, where cores may be disabled for licensing issues.

It would be interesting to a new field to store the total number of cores.


add fields unicity

Ludovic D. il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Michał Panasiewicz il y a 2 ans 1


It's possible to add two fields unicity ip address and mac address with the object network ?

Thanks for your answer

Best regards,


Planning: enhance planning date change

pVesian il y a 8 ans mis à jour il y a 8 ans 0


An enhancement of a task's planning date would be nice. Unless someone tells you to or you look in the code, you can't guess that you can click to edit the date. See screenshot for a proposal, but I'm not a designer, so feel free to enhance it.

Image 68


Support cloud storage

Walid Nouh il y a 8 ans 0

Support storage of documents in owncloud, or google drive


Bouton "Enregistrer et fermer"

Gringos il y a 8 ans mis à jour par pVesian il y a 8 ans 2


il serait bon d'ajouter un bouton "enregistrer et fermer" pour chaque formulaire (ticket, ordinateurs, imprimantes,...). A chaque modification, on ne veut pas forcement rester sur le formulaire mais revenir au résultat de notre recherche.


add picture for knowledge base on home page

Yannick il y a 8 ans 0


It would be relevant to add a picture next to the first word of entries of knowledge base

image - word tips