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Open a ticket automatically with cisco jabber
I know my request is tricky and non standard, but...
Would it be possible to open a ticket automatically with GLPI when we receive an internal call ?
Thank you for your answer
inheritance for computers
Currently the only way to configure inheritance for computers to child entities is to do it manually on each computer or to edit the MySQL database.
To set it for all newly created computers, you have to edit the MySQL database.
It would be cool to have a toggle in configuration to set it, and to be able to mass edit the computers to set it.
Multi-Entity Groups
Set the GLPI to open ticket for multi-entity groups like it do for multi-entity users.
I'm saying about it:
For use of GLPI multi-entities with technicians having clearances on several entities, it is not necessary to change the current entity to create a new incident in a separate entity. The path to open a new ticket is as follows: the technician begins by selecting the requester and GLPI will determine the entities to which the user has authorization. If it has only one entity, then the creation form is updated and the ticket will be declared in the corresponding entity, but if it has several an additional drop-down list is used to select one on which you want to work.
(Source: … icket.html)
In Mngt > Documents, add the field 'Blacklisted for import' to view
In Mngt > documents, give the possibility to add the field 'Blacklisted for import' to the document's view, to the search criteria and to the fields that can be updated by Massive action.
Link and download files from network drive or mapped drive.
It is possible to include in the core of glpi, a feature that registers a new way to reference a document that is on a network drive / server mapped drive for Linux or Windows directories. This should be implemented in the 'Document' object and allows click on the link to download from the client, similar to url website.
Add licence to multiple computers at once
With OCS Inventory or Fusion Inventory, computers and softwares are created automatically in GLPI.
If you add a licence to one of those software, you need to add it manually to each computer that have it.
ex: I have 1200 computers. One of my software is on 350 of them. I have 2 licences. On valid for 325 and another valid for the 25 others. I need to manually add those 350 computers to the good licences.
It would be neat to be able to select multiple computers and add the licence in one action.
Assets -> Softwares -> Installations -> Check all computers wanted -> Actions -> Add licence.
Avec OCS Inventory ou Fusion Inventory, les ordinateurs et logiciels sont créés automatiquement dans GLPI.
Si nous ajoutons une licence à un de ces logiciels, il faut ensuite l'associer un à un à chacun des postes ou elle est utilisé.
ex: J'ai 1200 ordinateurs. Un de mes logiciel est sur 350 de ceux-ci. J'ai 2 licences. Une valide pour 325 postes et une autre pour les 25 restants. Je doit manuellement ajouter les 350 postes à leur licence respective.
Il serait bien de pouvoir sélectionner plusieurs ordinateurs afin de leur ajouter la bonne licence.
Parc -> Logiciels -> Installation -> Cocher tout les ordinateurs désirés -> Actions -> Ajouter une licence.
IDs in tables
I think it's may be interesting to avoid sql incremental basic ids for glpi tables and use a hash-based id to identify everything in glpi.
This way, we could be able to merge n glpi-databases in one without have to do mindless tricks to make it works and lose informations in the process.
Se substituer à un utilisateur / substitute profil
En tant qu'administrateur, ça pourrait être pratique de pouvoir se substituer à certains utilisateurs avec pouvoir. Ça permettrait de voir exactement les menus auquel il peut accéder et les données. Le dépannage serait alors plus rapide.
When you are admin, it could be convenient to substituate to it profil in order to see exactly what he can access.
Re-size image when attaching Document to Tickets
Modern cameras and mobile phones take high res photos which are large in size and reduce page load times.
If the user was prompted with an option for images to choose the size: Full, Large, Medium and Thumbnail this would help to reduce disk usage and improve page load times.
This is similar to how WordPress media images are inserted into Posts/Pages.
WordPress says "Dramatically improve the quality of re-sized images by making WordPress use ImageMagick instead of standard GD image library"
can you add a transport document management ?
We need a transport document management for transfer assets from a location to another. At now we must use another software to produce this document, it would be wonderful if it could be integrated in glpi.
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