Vos commentaires
Percona is the leader of MySQL advanced systems and so also for replication.
I speak with experience. We currently have multi location replication with this solution above MySQL.
By the way, we could discuss it by voice, you know how to contact us ;)

I think you should check Percona XtraDB Cluster
Done in 9.4, a new criteria is available to check if a ticket creation date check a calendar
It's already the case.
A pending ticket will be set as processing when a requester actor answer it.
For information, a contract with avencall company permits to develop a similar feature for integration with their solution, see the dedicated plugin: https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/xivo
The feature is not released yet by the way
As mentioned in the previous comment, GLPI 9.3 support front and read pictures for assets models (not only rack mounted one).
Currently, it's only used for rack visualization, but we can imagine display them like suggested
Done in 9.2.x
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Please, don't use sources only archive.
On official website (https://glpi-project.org/downloads/) you'll find a full archive with bundled composer dependencies.