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Add hooks on formatUserName

SebastienH hace 3 años 0

Hi all,
It would be great if two hooks were added on the formatUserName function of the inc/dbutils.class.php file.
Something like : 

Plugin::doHook("pre_format_username", [
            'ID'           => $ID,
            'login'        => $login,
            'realname'     => $realname,
            'firstname'    => $firstname,
            'link'         => $link,
            'cut'          => $cut,
            'force_config' => $force_config


Plugin::doHook("post_format_username", [
            'ID'           => $ID,
            'login'        => $login,
            'realname'     => $realname,
            'firstname'    => $firstname,
            'link'         => $link,
            'cut'          => $cut,
            'force_config' => $force_config,
                'before'    => &$before,
                'formatted' => &$formatted,
                'after'     => &$after

Thi is not perfect, just an idea to avoid people having to edit the core files when they want tu customize the display.


Add a date_mod column to the glpi_tickets_users table

precision1998 hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 0

Add a date_mod column to the glpi_tickets_users table so there is a source other than glpi_logs to retrieve a ticket assignment timestamp for a specific user from. Currently you  have to join 3 additional tables to yield an average time-to-solve per user. This could be alleviated by storing the assignment date in the glpi_tickets_users entries.


PROJECT - team members, users and groups

Derry Birse hace 3 años 0

It is not clear why we have three different user/group entities attached to projects/tasks.

Would it not be better to allow users and groups to be added to the Project Team and allow the following Project roles to be assigned to users in the project team Project Manager, Project Sponsor,  Project Team Member (default).

Tasks ownership should only be able to be assigned to a user in the Project Team.

sub-project team membership and roles should only be able to be assigned to members of the parent project team.


Additional Kanban Views

Derry Birse hace 3 años 0

Currently Kanban splits tasks/projects into columns for task/project status, it would make project management simpler if it were also possible to switch to each of the following views.

Put tasks/projects into separate Kanban columns for each project/task user/owner

Put tasks/projects into separate Kanban columns for each project/task group

This would allow simple reassignment of task to different users/groups by drag and drop.


Api glpi to dolibarr

Loulax hace 3 años actualizado hace 3 años 1

Hi, i search how can i synchronize contacts from the crm dolibarr to glpi.

I found a plugin in the glpi market  "glpi to dolibarr" but it's not what i'm looking for. Someone have an idea about to help me please??? Thanks


User Self-Service Registration (Sign Up Page)

Renan Delfino hace 3 años 0

We would like for users to be able to register for access where they would create their own username and password. For 10 version, this gonna be a feature of GLPI?


enhancement request - predictable behavior for planning filters

mjourdan hace 3 años 0

User story: making our first steps with the planning, we had all "event types" checked. Thus, we struggled at understanding why the tasks we actually planned were still not shown. To make our tasks appear, we had to untick one of the checkboxes, which is a surprising behavior.

Procedure : Go to Home / Assistance / Planning, and check all boxes in the "events type" panel

Expected results : all events are shown on the calendar.

Actual results : the events we were looking for are hidden, despite their boxes beeing checked.

Suggested enhancement :

- use a single behavior for all items in the event type list (ie, events should be shown when the boxes are checked, and hidden when the boxes are empty)

- remove the "only background events" filter, and replace it with a "background events" filter


reglas de sasignación

Andyfilth hace 3 años 0

norte se ejecutan las reglas, he creado 1 regla que debe asignar a un grupo cuando la categoría tenga una palabra en especifico pero no sirve.


Link problems to device models

jesper magnusson hace 3 años 0

It would be nice to be able to link problems to not only individual items but also device models. That way you can keep track of problems impacting an entire category of items without needing to individually link and unlink all the items.


Button for entering technician information

CarlosSouza hace 3 años 0

It would be nice to have a button in the "Follow-ups" and "Solutions" that you place at the end of the text typed in the text field.

A suggestion would be:

1) The technician types the text in the field;

2) Press a button on the screen;

3) At the end of the typed text, the name of the logged in technician is added.

If we could define some more text on the button (besides the name), it would be nice too :)