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Search for equipment with this field

mathieu sizec 2 years ago 0

The idea : a little search button near every (or a selection of) field, when displaying an equipment details.

The search field would be already set with the value of the one from the equipment details.

My equipment's model is XXXX (type is YYYY). I click the 'search for the same' button and my search will be set with 'model is XXXX' field and type is YYYY.


Checkbox dans les description

mathieu sizec 2 years ago 0

I know there is a license problem using checkbox because of tinymce

But still, this is a need, I hink : be able to simply add a checkbox, with its state being saved as ticket is saved.

It could let us create easy task lists without the need to add a glpi task for every task of the tasklist, which coule be a real pain


location with address only

oliveblanche 2 years ago 0

location with address only without entering gps coordinates.


Ask user to change their password when they sign in

Rafael Santos 2 years ago 0

It would be very useful in managing the user in the password field to have a mark to ask the user to change the password on the next login. And many times when I create a new account on glpi, I set a simple password for the user to access and change, but most of the time the password remains the same. Administration. Users >>> /front/user.form.php

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Changing saved search order manually and add identation

rdm94 2 years ago updated by Random488 2 years ago 2


Saved search would be even better if you could manually order them so that they can act like mail folders.

The possibility to indent them in the listing would make it more efficient as well.

Maybe this could be done using a parent-child hierarchy.

Kind regards


Formcreator protects the directory in the public url

Alto 2 years ago 0
Hello everyone,

How can I limit the right of access to the url address if I want to send a questionnaire to people who I do not want to have access rights in GLPI.
For example, I send this url:" 
to fill out the questionnaire but if they delete one part in the url they can access the folders and see all USERS in GLPI.
I created a questionnaire in formcreator and I want to send it only to those who do not have access as a GLPI user
How can I protect GLPI?

Thanks in advance.

Make descending order default for Notification queue instead of ascending

mikael karlsson 2 years ago updated by Curtis Conard 2 years ago 1

We have to change this ourselves after every update, so please change the default order or add a way to change it in the settings:

So in src/Search.php in version 10.0.3

Line 7479: change ASC to DESC

Line 7480: change 1 to 4


Add the "Last Boot" column with GLPI Inventory

Damien 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Add the "Last Boot" column which existed with fusioninventory and which disappeared with GLPI Inventory.
I tried to do it myself without success...
This column allowed to see when a computer had last started and allowed to see the computers left on all night (which is forbidden with us).


GET variables : Autocompile Fields

myspacee 2 years ago 0

often our user don't compile or make errors when open new tickets, so when 
open a new ticket We can pass, trought a link, some GET variable, eg:


In this way we can personalize and autocompile field for our users and better group tickets.

Thank you for your time,


Project types should be linked with entity

paidge 2 years ago 0

As for the ITIL categories, I think the project types should be linked to an entity. In this way, when a new project is created, GLPI would only display the project types for the entity to which we are attached