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List our current and upcoming reservations

CDuv hace 2 años actualizado por flonou hace 2 años 1

It would be useful for the user to have,somewhere, a list of it's current (started but not yet finished) and upcoming reservations.

Example use case: An user knows it booked a room for a meeting that starts in 10 minutes but does remember which one.

A simple "My reservations" list somewhere on the home page and/or the reservation page would allow him to quickly find which one without checking every room in the system.

The "reservation" ^plugin does this, but only to administrators, I think user should have the same information (limited to their own reservations).


Create "not exists" filter on tickets

AUG1RCDX hace 2 años 0


- 2 person network team
- glpi has group "network"
- helpdesk assigns network related tickets to group "network"

There is currently no way to filter tickets such that:
- ticket is assigned to group "network"
- none of the two network technicians are assigned by name

Note other groups/users could also be assigned to this ticket and actively work on it so the naive solution of "group network and user is ---" does not work.

AFAIK you cannot express this kind of condition in a simple where clause. You'd need to use NOT EXISTS, a subquery or fiddle with JOIN clauses.

PS. the way "NOT" filters work currently is rather non user friendly - you need to first understand how the underlying query is constructed and that conditions are applied before aggregation, to make sense of the results. One may think applying somthing like "AND NOT assigned technician is john.doe" would discard tickets where john.doe is assigned - but it won't :)


Show reservation details in planning firectly

flonou hace 2 años 0


First of all I'm willing to work on this feature myself (as I've done it on our internal glpi instance)

The feature would be : Show the reservation comment and author directly on the reservation planning views instead of only showing it on hover.

For now the planning views show colored circles or rectangles and you need to hover with the mouse to get the details. This makes it unclear that the reservation has details and requires a user action for information that could be displayed directly on the planning. The displayed information would be the same (or replace?) as the hover information (which means, no change would be made on the rights needed to display that info)


Avoid readonly fields after ticket closing

Croûton hace 2 años actualizado hace 2 años 2

Hello team,

When a ticket is closed, we cannot change the location or ITIL category of ticket because that fields become disabled/readonly=true.

Is there a way to avoid that for super admin users ?

I would like reaffect all old tickets which are incorrect or empty.

If it is impossible to changes that behaviour, what database table is concerned in please ? 

Thank you in advance !


Mentions for external parties/email

Random488 hace 2 años 0


Being able to send a mention to an external user would be great and very practical when we work with external parties.


Technician group assigment Round Robin

ArriMa hace 2 años 0
Could be great if will be a setting on the Tecnician group:

- assign the ticket to a member of a group (all technician member receive a notification and many time 2 techician work on a ticket that is working on by an other one already)

- A mechanism that if the ticket is not processed by a tecnician in x minutes or hours, it is re-assigned to the group (or a next tecnician).


Warn user about unsaved changes when leaving the ticket creation page

Paul Pignet hace 2 años 0

When leaving a page, for example the ticket creation page, users should be warned about unsaved changes.

Current behaviour: While writing a ticket, a user decides to "show all locations", "show all categories", or anything else that takes him to another page. The user is not notified about unsaved changes, and once they return, the form is blank again.

Expected Behaviour: When the Ticket form is not empty, GLPI should ask if the user wishes to continue and lose any unsubmitted details.


Time Based Contract

Grooby hace 2 años 0

Some contracts are for a specific number of hours. for example. I sign a contract in which I provide 30 hours of services. It would be great if you could add this type of contract.

Regards :)


GLPI 10.0.2 - Cloning - Proposed additional options

Loudgi hace 2 años 0


Since my passage under GLPI 10 with the migration of the pluggin, there is no longer the possibility of cloning a ticket with its Requester, Group, its attachments, which can be tedious to inform at each cloning.

Do you think this could be a future integrated feature? A priori we had it formerly with GLPI 9.2 and the plugin.



Add Remote Control for RDS (Remote Desktop Service) / MSRA (Microsoft Remote Assistance) - Putty

TOFR710 hace 2 años 0

La version 10 de glpi permet d'ajouter des éléments de control à distance pour des ordinateurs (Teamviewer, AnyDesk...)

Ne serait il pas possible d'ajouter RDS et MSRA ? et éventuellement Putty

Aujourd'hui, pour ajouter cette fonctionnalité, il faut passer par les liens externes  https://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=282281 et déployer des clés de registre.