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Useritemexport Plugin PDF Dizayn Help

ozgurbalcikli il y a 3 ans 0


Image 400

Can we change the user entity PDF format in the Useritemexport plugin? Is it possible to design a form like the one I sent in the attachment instead of the existing form? The form type I have prepared is capable of meeting the demands of all users. Since I do not have PHP knowledge, I could not make the necessary changes. I would like your support in this regard.


Allow to associate an email to a group

martinez juan marcos il y a 3 ans 0

Allow to associate an email to a group, so that notifications are sent to that email instead of to the group members.


When a task is added, send a notification to support@mail.com (the mail of the group) instead of tech1@mail.com, tech2@mail.com, etc. (The e-mail of each user in the group)


Add option to make Default Profile recursive on entity

NoxWorld2660 il y a 3 ans 0


When editing a user permission profile, you can set it as "default" for new users. It should be possible to set it as recursive by default too. This is a serious isssue, see example below.

I have a stock of 50 audio helmets, and i put it under entity C , so others can't mess up with my stock.
A new user is created by LDAP Sync, or automatically created by anything. By default it will be in "Root Entity", with "Self Service" profile, not recursive.

This means i can't link the audio Helmet or any piece of material without changing the user profiles. And changing the user profils is a whole other level of privilege.


Knowledge Base - Subject should display as a title in Knowledge base (view) tab

Derry Birse il y a 3 ans mis à jour il y a 3 ans 1

Currently when viewing a KB article the header is displayed as follows:


A Very Interesting Article


My very interesting article content. Blah blah blah....

The subject is not formatted in any way like an article title and I often find myself creating a further title in my Content area formatted with H1 tags.

I would prefer it if we did not waste space at the top of the viewable version of the KB article by including the works Subject and Content, instead it would be preferable if the header same header as above were formatted as follows

A Very Interesting Article

My very interesting article content. Blah blah blah....


Mail collector via company proxy

tsadock il y a 3 ans 0


The mail collector does not use the proxy informations for connection to the IMAP server.

Please, could you add this missing functionality ?

With kind regards


Notification for all "Assets" for "Status/Owner" changes.

srinivasa vissa il y a 3 ans 0

Please add Email Notify to Owner or someone when an Asset "Status" or "owner" are changed.


A module to edit the OSM view Leaflet

lynch4fr il y a 3 ans 0
Is it possible to develop a module to edit the OSM view (open street map) Leaflet of GLPI?

* The user could swap between the layers (plan) of the floors of the buildings.
* Assets (computers, network devices, printer) could have a different markers ?
Technically :
* Floors could be Overpass-XML link of one query per level? Example: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1h6E
* A location like an office in GLPI would therefore be defined by its latitude, longitude and altitude = floor (-1, 0, 1, 2) ?

Edit ticket directly from array (list of tickets)

GLPI Idea il y a 3 ans 0

Possibilité de modifier les tickets directement depuis le listing des tickets avec le module 
X-editable Demo (vitalets.github.io) ?
Plutot que d'ouvrir chaque ticket et modifier le statut par exemple.


Add hooks on formatUserName

SebastienH il y a 3 ans 0

Hi all,
It would be great if two hooks were added on the formatUserName function of the inc/dbutils.class.php file.
Something like : 

Plugin::doHook("pre_format_username", [
            'ID'           => $ID,
            'login'        => $login,
            'realname'     => $realname,
            'firstname'    => $firstname,
            'link'         => $link,
            'cut'          => $cut,
            'force_config' => $force_config


Plugin::doHook("post_format_username", [
            'ID'           => $ID,
            'login'        => $login,
            'realname'     => $realname,
            'firstname'    => $firstname,
            'link'         => $link,
            'cut'          => $cut,
            'force_config' => $force_config,
                'before'    => &$before,
                'formatted' => &$formatted,
                'after'     => &$after

Thi is not perfect, just an idea to avoid people having to edit the core files when they want tu customize the display.


Add a date_mod column to the glpi_tickets_users table

precision1998 il y a 3 ans mis à jour il y a 3 ans 0

Add a date_mod column to the glpi_tickets_users table so there is a source other than glpi_logs to retrieve a ticket assignment timestamp for a specific user from. Currently you  have to join 3 additional tables to yield an average time-to-solve per user. This could be alleviated by storing the assignment date in the glpi_tickets_users entries.