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Conditions in notification object

markwakwak 6 лет назад 0


As asked in this forum : https://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?id=154278

I would like to be able to add the authors name in the object of my notification mails.

It seems that conditions are not interpreted if you put them in the object field :

Image 211


suivi en solution

Sico31 6 лет назад 0

Bien souvent dans le traitement d'un ticket, un suivi (commentaire/question) à destination du demandeur n'est suivi d'aucun effet. Le demandeur ne répondant pas, on peut penser que le suivi répond à la demande/incident initiale et que la solution EST le suivi.

Serait-il possible de rajouter une option sur le suivi afin de transformer le suivi en solution, afin d'éviter le doublon de commentaire (ou le copier-supprimer du suivi puis ajout de solution) ?



Adding tables in task templates

simon laura89 6 лет назад 0

Would it be possible to allow the addition of tables in task templates? Or change the type and put an HTML format in the task templates?


Data size format

JB Walters 6 лет назад 0

I am proposing that you guys change and or implement a change in the default format for data (Mio). My suggestion would be to at least update it to more modern data format size and maybe be able to select from different sizes like KB, MB, GB, and TB. It would be even better if it could be a user editable field as are many other things, so one would have to add the data size or additional ones but they could pick from data sizes other than Mio which is equivalent to MB in U.S. and most hard drives are GB now and even TB for servers which makes it very hard to input the size for a TB drive in Mio.


Add group's member notification for planning recall configured on a task / Notification des membres d'un groupe pour les rappels de planning d'une tâche

Pierre-Loup Denis 6 лет назад обновлен deltonio2 1 год назад 1

tâche affectée à un groupe : possiblité de configurer un rappel pour les membres du groupe :

ex :

tech1 tech2 font partie du groupe techniciens. la tâches est affectée au groupe techniciens. un rappel est configuré pour la tâches => tech1 et tech2 reçoivent cette notification. 

Aujourd'hui, seul le technicien et/ou le demandeur peut recevoir cette notification. 

Add group's member notification for planning recall configured on a task


Software --> Installed is counting also for retired Computer

asdfghij 6 лет назад 0

I have some retired Computer, Date of retirement is inserted at the asset.
If I select Software -> Adobe Flash (for example) and -> installed from the left list
==> The retired Computer are shown. But there should only Computer without "Date of Retirement."

My Version of GLPI is GLPI 9.2.4.


Auto-Position on the "Ticket Processing" tab

brice clerand 6 лет назад 0

Hello, when adding a follow-up on a ticket, the user is notified by email. The mail contains the url (tag ## ticket.url ##) of the ticket so that the user can go to consult the follow-up. However it arrives on the initial tab of the ticket ("Ticket" tab), and not directly on the "Ticket Processing" tab. Is it possible to position the user directly on the tab "ticket processing" so that he can see the follow-up directly? Thank you.

lors de l'ajout d'un suivit sur un ticket, le demandeur est notifié par mail. Le mail contient l'url (balise ##ticket.url##) du ticket pour que l'utilisateur puisse aller consulter le suivi.
Cependant il arrive sur l'onglet initial du ticket (onglet "Ticket") , et pas directement sur l'onglet "Traitement du ticket".

Est il possible de positionner l'utilisateur directement sur l'onglet "Traitement du ticket" pour qu'il puissent voir directement le suivi?

Merci à vous.


Popup for Associated elements and user

bafoulio 6 лет назад 0

Hello, it was cool to have when i click in the associed elements or the user a new webpage or a new tab open with the page of the user/associated elements.

На рассмотрении

Use WYSIWYG for write entities email signature

对系统的建议 6 лет назад обновлен glpi 6 лет назад 1

Create a signature for the entity with the most visual content. Editing the field with a field WYSIWYG.


Inventory - export selected items

Pingax 6 лет назад 0


Would it be possible to make possible, on the inventory page, select some elements and only export them in pdf. For now, we can only export the current page or all the pages.

Thanks in advance.

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