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GLPI creating new tickets instead of updating existing ones when users reply to emails

Kleiton hace 2 años actualizado hace 2 años 0

Guys, my problem is that when users reply to the first email, it generates new related tickets and does not include the additional information the user added in the same ticket.


Analyse d'Impact rajouter une colonne

Unknoweb hace 2 años 0

Bonjour, ça serait bien et surtout utile d'ajouter une colonne a l'analyse d'impact pour avoir un aperçus des Ticket récurent des éléments pour pouvoir palier a cette situation. Car lors d'un envoie de Ticket on a bien le Ticket correspondant mais lors de la clôture du Ticket cela disparait et on a pas le nombre de Ticket récurrent pour les éléments avec en dessous le nombres Total de Ticket ici 16 pour l'élément parent. Voici un exemple concret  

Image 433


Device type dictionary

Denis Soares hace 2 años 0

In the dictionary resource, it would be interesting to create one that could classify the types of Network Devices. We know that a computer will always be a computer, but a network device can be a tablet, access point, switch, etc. So a dictionary that could sort this automatically would be of great help.

Based on the device name, for example, or by the firmware, it would replace the network device type with one already registered.


Fields unicity and Plugin Additional fields

calidadcarm hace 2 años 0

Include in the Fields unicity of an object, fields of the plugin additional fields:

**Additional field on Computer:**


**Fields unicity on Computer:**

**We can't add the field 'Nombre máquina virtual' like Fields unicity.**


In such a way that even though these fields reside in different tables from the behavior in the GLPI interface they behave as if they were fields of the same table.


on inventory differentiate System volume from other volumes

jjmg84 hace 2 años 0

It would be wonderful to be able to differentiate in the inventory of a computer within the volumes which volume belongs to the OS (operating system installed on it) and which ones do not belong to the OS (data disks etc).


Adding "Assigned by user" in Ticket template

oneill hace 2 años 0

In my ticket notification template for "Ticket assigned", I have the following:
Ticket ###ticket.id## created on ##ticket.creationdate## has been assigned to ##ticket.assigntousers##.
And this works just fine. But it only shows who is assigned to solve particular ticket.

Would it be possible to add a tag like "Ticket assigned by user"?
This is to show all other technicians in email notification who assigned this particular ticket to them.

I know you can check Ticket's history and see there who assigned it, but this would be directly in email notification.


Possibility to add SQL instances on computers

A S hace 2 años actualizado hace 2 años 1

Hello everyone,

when we inventory a computers with the GLPI agent, that automatically ascend the databases discovered. Exept in some cases (issue github on glpi-agent for that). Anyway, we would like to have the possibility to add manually the database instance on the computers. We can add database on "Management" -> "Databases" menu but we can't link this database to computers which does not allow to have the continuity of the links.

I hope that can be used for other organisation and this change can be merged on GLPI source code.

Thank you in advance,

Best Regards


add new rule to "Business rules for tickets"

A S hace 2 años actualizado hace 2 años 1

Hello everyone,

I Would like to add a new rule for ticket. In my organization, for tracability, we want the technicien who add an answer of type solution is automatically add at "assigned to" field. That can doing by adding the "autor of solution" field as new criteria, the action can be "assigned the ticket".

I hope that can be used for other organisation and this change can be merged on GLPI source code.

Thank you in advance,

Best Regards


Software export to CSV - Installations tab

Will hace 2 años 0

Please allow export to CSV of the "installations" tab of software or add filter function similar to the computer menu to further filter where software is installed.


ID test on planning page

Fabricio Carmo hace 2 años actualizado hace 2 años 1

Is it possible that the ticket ID number appears on the Planning page?

For example, I created this test ticket, it has the ID 9176.

Image 430

but when I create tasks in this ticket, and these tasks appear in the schedule, the ID number does not appear in the ticket name.

Image 431