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If not, please describe it
Add Service Catalogue to GLPI
New status to Tickets
My sugestion is new status to tickets.
Exemples: Waiting Feeback (Aguardando Feedback) and Waiting List (Lista de Espera).
Integrate Simcard plugin into the core
Integrate Instant Messaging Server (Openfire - Spark)
Integrate GLPI with Openfire Instant Messaging Server and Spark client, both are Open Source projects:
Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). Openfire is incredibly easy to setup and administer, but offers rock-solid security and performance.
Spark is a Cross-platform real-time collaboration client optimized for business and organizations.
Option to assign entities to groups or add field 'location' to entities and search tickets by this criteria
Add option to assign entities to groups(regions, routes or something) or add field 'location' to entities to sort ticket for easily plan route for car (technician).
We have many customers (200, one customer-one entity) and always 100+ opened tickets.
Searching and planing tickets from one region(route) is hard. There is no easy way to select ticket from one region(location) to plan best way for car/technician.
Import and Sync planning GLPI side
A function to import ical to GLPI and another one to sync GLPI planning from another planning could be great.
Custom welcome page (group view, global view, etc...)
We need to be able to customize the display of the front page for users
The 3 views (personal, group, global) are not usable.
Pls add the ability to filter / add columns
Integrate PDF plugin
Being able to print in PDF in GLPI out of the box is an old request from the community :-) !
Plugin MailAnalyzer should be included into the core of GLPI
The plugin Mail Analyzer should be included into the core of GLPI, because should be a normal behavior configuration.
Customer support service by UserEcho