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Les projets clos (état terminé==oui) ne doivent pas apparaître dans la recherche par défaut

vcorreze hace 4 años 0

La recherche par défaut des projets n'a pas le même comportement que pour les tickets.

Même si les projets ont un statut clos (avec Etat terminé = oui) ils sont visibles.

Ce comportement se reporte lorsqu'on veut lier un ticket à un projet, dans l'onglet qui va bien du ticket : on voit tous les projets même s'ils sont terminés.

Il faudrait que par défaut les projets avec état terminé = oui ne soient plus visibles dans la recherche. (cf. discussion aujourd'hui sur discord).


Control Hardware Change Log

Guillermo Haad hace 5 años 0

It would be nice if FusionInventory could have a feature to send an alert to the administrator when some items (hardware or software) are changed (added or removed) from a computer.

So, basically the system would be a quite simple.

The administrator can choice which class of item would be monitored like:



PCI cards

Hard Disks, and so on..

or if monitoring will be global like:

monitoring all of the items from the workstations or servers.

The basic function would be an alert via email to the administrator of the inventory. However, it would be pretty good if Fusion could have a section on a dashboard to view recent changes of the items.

I think it will help the majority of admins around the world that need to know what happen in their environment.

Image 360

We could have 2 screens like this:
1- Monitoring:
The GLPI Asset Monitoring module will control that all changes in devices, assignments, software, hardware and licenses are detected on the organization's workstations and servers. It also maintains a complete and detailed record of each change and alerts for all monitored devices, allowing real vision and control of all configuration changes in the IT infrastructure.
2- Alarm panel:
Any changes or modifications to the IT infrastructure are immediately marked with a flag in the GLPI Assets alarm log and the Alarm Summary Panel. This tool not only provides a clear view of changes in assets, but also automatically generates a unique ticket number that allows you to identify and consult any specific modification or change detected.


By using the Monitoring module, you can quickly configure the levels of criticality and escalation of each type of change / modification alert, and choose which groups or individuals to notify, either via email or SMS or WhatsApp or Telegram


Clone Assets

git hace 5 años 0

How to clone Assets in GLPI like: http://forum.glpi-project.org/viewtopic.php?pid=118700#p118700?

I will be nice to have clone option in Assets section.


Assign ticket to technician directly from the ticket panel

allesanderbc hace 5 años 0

It would be interesting if, on the ticket panel, there was a way to get the ticket for you. This would make the flow faster.

For example, in the Redmine Easy system, when hovering over the tickets, it opens a floating button to start the ticket from the ticket panel, as shown in the image below:

Image 359

Or even have a column with a start icon, that when pressed, the ticket would already be assigned to you.

And another additional idea that would be more interesting is that when pressing this button, somehow integrated with the Actualtime plug-in, for example, start a task that already counts time.


Possibility to collapse menus in management ticket section

td148154 hace 5 años 0


As a user, I would like to be able to enhance the visibility of the ticket in the management ticket section by collapsing each action menu (FollowUp, Task, Document, Solution)

This collapse should have the following behaviour:

  • First click on the dedicated button menu (see example below) => Show menu
  • Second click on the same button menu =>  Hidden menu

Image 354


Pinned items in knowledge base

mathieu sizec hace 5 años 0

Ability to set articles to be pinned and visible on the first page of the kb, next to the most recent ones etc


Locations blacklists

Francois Lariviere hace 5 años 0

Would it be possible to implement a locations blacklist in GLPI just like it's already implemented for IP, MAC, Serial Numbers, UUID and Emails ?

This would be really useful for us because when we import users from our Active Directory, some users have a location (roomNumber) that doesn't physically exist and we would like them to either have the location empty, or replaced by a default location.

Also when fusionInventory plugins does it's inventory, some printers, switches, etc reports a default location from their manufacturers and since they are not one of our locations, we don't want them added to glpi.

Would this be better implemented as a blacklist (glpi/front/blacklist.form.php) or as an import rule for users (glpi/front/ruleright.php) ?

The idea is that no matter what, the final result should be that invalid locations (locations that doesn't physically exist) should not end up being added to the locations list.

Image 350

Thanks a lot



Battery <-> Network device

Megachip hace 5 años 0

I've a Battery Powered Gateway, but can't assign a battery to a network device. 


Possibility to write solution author in notifications

MaCAU hace 5 años 0

I think It would be very helpful to have the possibility of adding something like ##solution.author##.

There is already ##followup.author##, so I dont get why the solution one isnt there already.


addition of Half Days in calender close times

Zinhle hace 5 años 0

Good Day

may i please suggest the addition of half day as part of the closing days.

in GLPI the close times can be linked to the calender such that these are excluded in the overall reporting of a ticket life time.

suggestion: Add a time start and end of all close times. this will enable the addition of a halfday where the closing time is between 12:00 pm to say 5:00 pm. please this would assist a lot. in my work we have half days every month. the SLA's keep going even though work hours are off the rest of the day.