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A module to edit the OSM view Leaflet

lynch4fr 3 years ago 0
Is it possible to develop a module to edit the OSM view (open street map) Leaflet of GLPI?

* The user could swap between the layers (plan) of the floors of the buildings.
* Assets (computers, network devices, printer) could have a different markers ?
Technically :
* Floors could be Overpass-XML link of one query per level? Example: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1h6E
* A location like an office in GLPI would therefore be defined by its latitude, longitude and altitude = floor (-1, 0, 1, 2) ?

hide task on planning when the ticket is solved

A S 3 years ago 0

Hi everyone,

i would like to know if it's possible to have the possibility when we plan a task in a ticket to hide them when it's done or if the ticket is solved ?

I had imagined a checkbox (already check automatically) with the text "hide this task once solved" directly when we add a task in ticket and after have clic on "Plan this task".

Do you think that is possible ? Someone have the same need as me to not overload the agendas ?

Thank in advance.

Steps To reproduce

  1. Create a ticket
  2. Create a task in ticket
  3. clic on "Plan this task"
  4. Have the possibility to hide or not the task once is done or if the ticket is solved.

Add argument to "console glpi:ldap:synchronize_users" for full sync

Silvan 3 years ago 0

Currently when using '--only-update-existing', deleted users in LDAP are not disabled.

If no arguments are provided, deleted users in LDAP are disabled but also new users will be created.

I like to have the option to sync existing users and disable deleted users in LDAP, this can be done by creating a new argument and calling "AuthLDAP::ACTION_ALL" only.



Multifactor mail notification config

donj 3 years ago 0

Hi Team,

We would like to configure M365 multifactor enable account as a email notification account in GLPI.

Please help us with a solution. 


Please add 256 checksum/hash for github files for dowloading

Tom 3 years ago 0

For each GLPI release, please add corresponding hash/checksum files for verification purposes.


RAZ Button

ChristopheL 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

I need a button or an other possibility to do a "cleaning data only" tables in the database.

When i install a GLPI on a server, after configuration and testing, i want a button or action to clean only dat tables in databases ant not tables used to configure GLPI.



Helpdesk.html New Fields

Florian 3 years ago 0


is it Possible to integrate in the helpdesk.html the follwoing Fields? actually requests opened by the helpdesk.html would not saved. 





Filter tickets by project in tickets listing

Random488 3 years ago updated by dhrzic 2 years ago 1

Please allow tickets to be filtered by projects.

Kind regards,


Rights for assets status

maxou 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0


Is it possible to add an option to add specific status for specific people ?

For example on the dropdown Status the "Valid return" option will be uniquely available for specific groups.

The Technician Team group will not see this button.

The Project Team group will see this button.

Image 397

Is it also possible to create rules to to prevent error during the change of a status, example with this matrice :

When a computer is set to "Supplier - valid return",  can you add a option to make it impossible to return in another section like "Production - on site/at home" ?

Image 398

Do you think that's possible ?

Thanks in advance for your response.


Integrate the mail analyzer pugin

Riesuu 3 years ago 0

This allows when you use the collector, to have only one mail for each response. This is more than convenient.

GitHub - tomolimo/mailanalyzer: Mail Analyzer GLPI Plugin may be used to combine CC mails into one Ticket