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Automatically adding requester to ticket in standard interface

pac hace 9 años actualizado hace 8 años 2

like ealier version


Add External Link on items managed by plugin

ArthurHOUBART hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 9 años 2

add the hability to link an external link on item managed by plugin

i.e. add an external link for a whois command "http://whois.domaintools.com/[DOMAIN]" and link it to domain items managed by Dodamins Inventory Plugin



copy closed ticket

Yannick hace 9 años 0

It would be usefull to have the possibility to copy a closed ticket for technician without change status manually.


Get the PC name in a ticket

Javier Samaniego hace 9 años actualizado por Ariel hace 8 años 5

Is it possible get or associate the PC that send the ticket to the ticket?

Thank you.


Plugin news choisir la page d'affichage

Riesu hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 8 años 2
Il serai bien de pouvoir choisir sur quel page afficher l'alerte, par exemple n'avoir que la page d'accueil ou/avec celle des tickets.

Pretty URLs with htaccess

The URL at today is: http://myurl.com/front/funtionality.php?id=XXX or http://myurl.com/plugin/funtionality.php the idea it's change this trough htaccess for http://myrul.com/funtionality/ID I mean the URL change to this: Example the URL for projects it is:http://myurl.com/plugins/projet/front/projet.php the htaccess change just for /project/ and when you chooose a project appear form this must be changed too so: form + ID it's reduced so the final it's http://myurl.com/projet/01 or ticket case Example the ticket URL it's: http://myurl.com/front/ticket.form.php?id=000000 the htaccess change just for /ticket/ and when you chooose a ticket appear form this must be changed too so: form + ID it's reduced so the final it's http://myurl.com/Ticket/20153001


Integrate Talk plugin to the project section.

biet-j hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 9 años 3
(Sorry for my bad english)
I'm falling in love with the talk plugins
it's very usefull, so, is it possible to have the same plugin for the project?


DO NOT clear fields when a mandatory field is missing

Matthias Delamare hace 9 años actualizado por glpi hace 8 años 4

When you try to close a ticket and you missed to fill a mandatory field (eg category), the response field you took time to fill is TOTALLY EMPTY after clicking on save...


add ipam fonctions

Quette Nicolas hace 9 años 0

I would like in the future version to glpi a ipam


Extend Global search to become "Global"

kringel hace 11 horas 0

The "Global search" ist not really global yet.

It should be extended to search global as per its name. It should list all items that contain the search-text. For example i search for "ABC" and I expect to get a list of all items (assets, tickets, projects) where this text was used. It does not matter if the ticket is closed or open, the project is completed or not. I want to get ALL items as it is labeled as "Global search". I even want to get tickets included if the text was used only in a comment.

This is how a normal global search works in any other ITSM-Tool. Hope GLPI gets soon also this improvement.