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Plugin news choisir la page d'affichage

Riesu 9 years ago updated by glpi 8 years ago 2
Il serai bien de pouvoir choisir sur quel page afficher l'alerte, par exemple n'avoir que la page d'accueil ou/avec celle des tickets.

Pretty URLs with htaccess

The URL at today is: http://myurl.com/front/funtionality.php?id=XXX or http://myurl.com/plugin/funtionality.php the idea it's change this trough htaccess for http://myrul.com/funtionality/ID I mean the URL change to this: Example the URL for projects it is:http://myurl.com/plugins/projet/front/projet.php the htaccess change just for /project/ and when you chooose a project appear form this must be changed too so: form + ID it's reduced so the final it's http://myurl.com/projet/01 or ticket case Example the ticket URL it's: http://myurl.com/front/ticket.form.php?id=000000 the htaccess change just for /ticket/ and when you chooose a ticket appear form this must be changed too so: form + ID it's reduced so the final it's http://myurl.com/Ticket/20153001


Integrate Talk plugin to the project section.

biet-j 9 years ago updated by glpi 9 years ago 3
(Sorry for my bad english)
I'm falling in love with the talk plugins
it's very usefull, so, is it possible to have the same plugin for the project?


DO NOT clear fields when a mandatory field is missing

Matthias Delamare 9 years ago updated by glpi 8 years ago 4

When you try to close a ticket and you missed to fill a mandatory field (eg category), the response field you took time to fill is TOTALLY EMPTY after clicking on save...


add ipam fonctions

Quette Nicolas 9 years ago 0

I would like in the future version to glpi a ipam


Automatic discovery and addition with proxy server

Burak 2 days ago 0

By setting up a proxy server for different tenants, adding devices in the network to the inventory with automatic discovery in the network with these proxy servers


Add Component Items Inventory/Asset Number in Global Search

me 1 week ago 0

It would be incredibly helpful if you could find components based on their Inventory/Asset Number using the Global Search.

This is such an important feature it might be the reason I move away.


Reports in GLPI

jserna 2 weeks ago 0

Currently, we use GLPI only to receive tickets from our customers, we have approximately 30 customers of which 10 are entities, the rest are locations that are within the same entity, each month a report is passed to customers, we pay a third party to pull the information from the database and pass it to Power BI, we are looking to save cost and want to try some integration of pluguin or any other free software that we can use, the data and graphs that takes the report is.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Total tickets
Tickets by type (Incident vs. Request)
Tickets by status (Open, Closed, In Process, etc.)
Average resolution time
Means of contact (Direct, WhatsApp, Email, etc.)
Ticket Category (Equipment, Applications, Mail, etc.)
Root cause of the ticket
Hours spent per technician
Distribution of tickets by resolver

Can you recommend any application with which I can do this?

The idea is to generate monthly reports with graphs for each client that includes the information shared above,


Improving Requester Field Validation for Ticket Creation

yderouich14 2 weeks ago 0

I encountered a small issue while creating a new ticket. If the Requester (single user) field is set as mandatory in the template, assigning a requester group instead of a single user, or vice versa, throws an exception—which is expected.

So in my opinion, to improve clarity and user experience, I suggest applying a filter to ensure:

  • Requester* → Only allows and displays single users.
  • Requester group* → The label updates to "Group Requester",  the input only allows and displays groups.
  • Both  → The label becomes "Group Requester & Requester" ; of course, the input allows and displays groups and users.

I believe this will help prevent incorrect assignments and enhance usability.


Rejection email

y misser 2 weeks ago 0

I am looking for a solution to send a message (email to the sender) back when the collector does not process the email.