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Dynamique display for catégories
Is it possible to display only the 1st category level in the category drop-down, during the creation of a ticket ?
And only after, 2nd et 3rd category level ?
Hide form fields for all Profiles
ie: "Alternate username", "Alternate username number"
If not, could such a feature be added?
attract English speaking users (and thus developers) trough improved English localization
Data from are suggesting strong correlation between localization quality and users count (at least for French and Brazil Portuguese). In result, it mirrors also in nations of developers working on GLPI and its plugins. To gain more traction, it would be very helpful to have English speaking users/contributors (far more than that ones from UK, USA, Canada and Australia) onboard.
Admitting, that for non native English speaker (including me) it is hard to express thoughts in right words, as they are usually used in given context, must say, that English strings in GLPI itself and especially plugins are not in good shape.
As one of translators (namely into Czech), must more than often refer to French and Brazil Portuguese strings to figure out meaning of strings, because English ones are often verbatim translation (example: "waiting value" instead of "expected value", including idioms from developers native languages (example: "thanks to" from French courtesy "Merci ..." in place where is expressed, that user is needed something) and so on.
In result, for English speaking users it is very confusing and is discouraging use of GLPI (and thus potentially contribute).
I know, it is chicken-egg problem - to gain English translators, it is needed to already have native English speaking users first and they almost (in comparison with other _local_ communities) do not exists, because application is not understandable for them yet…
GLPI (especially with its plugins) is wonderful tool – it would be really unfortunate to limit possibilities of its growth due restricting use/development only at local communities instead of global one, for which common language is needed and this language is English (in meaning as medium for communication between people from different precious cultures, not in meaning as of enforcement for unification into one nation/culture to all).
show monitors' links to computers' list on PDF/CSV export
It would be nice if we can see linked monitors when exporting computers' list in PDF / CSV file.
i.e : 10 computers with 2 monitors on each one. When exporting the computers' list, currently it do not show the monitors on it (tested on glpi 9.1.4)
Adopt a developp cycle similar to libreoffice: stable and evolution
Adopt a developp cycle similar to libreoffice: stable and evolution. For enterprise, it's more important a stable solution than a solution including new features.
Getting user picture from ldap
Is there any way to geht the user picture from ldap?
E.G. Univention store the picture directly in ldap.
Extend the available languages of GLPI Demonstration Environment
The idea is simple: to make the GLPI Demonstration Environment accessible to as many people as possible in their native language.
> Note: The following is only an example for Spanish language. The idea is to add or include the widely used languages which has more than a 95% --it's an approximation-- of its translation work done in transifex.
How would this be done?. Well, I propose to create these three new users (username / password)
admin_es / admin
normal_es / normal
post-only_es / post-only
and all of them configured with Español (España) or Spanish (Spain) language. Some changes would also be necessary on the home page of GLPI Demonstration Environment to indicate the existence of these new users.
That's all. Thanks in advance.
We've talked about that; and we've added the lang selector on the login page on demo mode (will be done for 9.3), see:
Add size informations on purgelogs form
As explained on purgelogs's repository, it will be nice to have size informations for each section (General, Software, etc.) with a sum for all sections. Two size informations should appeared :
- currently size of logs (before purge)
- future size of logs (after purge)
Units for size : SI standard (kB, MB, GB, TB).
With this feature, you have an idea about size of your logs (before and after purge). On top of that, you can identify tables with unexpected size.
Add field link in project to link a document stored out of Glpi
Add possibility to post a link to a document or web page (sharepoint doc for exemple) in a project page.
Sometimes a project needs a document who isn't stored in Glpi for some reasons (file server using in storage, collaborative work needed... etc)
It will be simple for project management to have possibility to add a link to a doc versus import a doc
Active Directory account expiration
It would be interesting to be able to trace the expiration date of an Active Directory account (accountExpires) so that it automatically integrates into GLPI.
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