Welcome to GLPi feature request service.
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add a extension number field to the telephone

pedro rocha il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Eduardo Spinola il y a 7 ans 1

add a extension number field to the telephone


Automated change of location - connections

No name il y a 8 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 8 ans 3

Currently when you change location of an asset you have to manually change location of connected devices. Connected assets should inherit location from it's parent.


Server and dependencies map

Yannick il y a 8 ans mis à jour par Viktor il y a 5 ans 3


I am looking for a software to have a map with hard / soft dependencies and impact.

Thx for your answer


Projects - treeview

Jan il y a 8 ans 0

I would like to ask, if there is some chance to have something like "treeview" on Projects site with for example 4 sub-levels (or more - automatic sub-level count)?

Best view will be...
first level - main projects
second level - child projects of first level
third level - child projects of second level
fourth level - tasks of child projects of third level

We have many projects and child projects. It is very uncomfortable.

Thank you. Jan


API REST : get requester/observer/technicians from tickets

yves tesniere il y a 8 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 7 ans 2

Glpi API REST returns tickets with its actors.

but there is no indication about each actor role :

Wich actor is requester, observer or technician ?

these roles would be usefull.


Maximize and minimize categories

cham45 il y a 8 ans mis à jour il y a 8 ans 2

Hi,It'd be great to be able to minimize and maximize categories when creating a ticket. In the case, we use a lot of categories and we don't want to expand all by default.


Have same alignement in headers and columns

yves tesniere il y a 8 ans mis à jour il y a 6 ans 1

text in column is left aligned and text is centered in column header, this is sometimes a bit confusing.

Is think header should have same aligment than its column



Rocket.Chat's hubot for GLPI integration

Sulian il y a 8 ans 0

Add an adapter for RocketChat (https://rocket.chat/).

The adapter can perform the following :

  • get info from a specific ticket
  • get all the open tickets
  • get all tickets from an operator
  • get all tickets from an user
  • ...



Action button dissappeared - over 1k consumables

No name il y a 8 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 8 ans 6

We have over 1000 usb mouses in our consumables, since reaching that 1k mark the action button disappeared because of "too large selection" even when you have for example 50 position display setting. I think this bug is connectet to the paging feature implemented not so long time ago.


Add projects to global search

pVesian il y a 8 ans mis à jour par glpi il y a 8 ans 2

It would be great to be able to search for projects and project tasks in the global search.