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If not, please describe it

Possibility to cancel the Suppliers publication
Hi friends
, I would like to see in the new version the ability to disable the publication of suppliers of products in the list assigned to the incident.
This is necessary when the supplier database is used to control the purchase of materials , and not as contractors

Shows message about ticket tabs blocked to edit because ticket is solved/closed
Actually, the tabs are simply blank when a ticket is solved/closed. It would be more user friendly if a message like "This tab can't be edited while a ticket is solved/closed" to guide newbie users at GLPI about what to do for the tab to work.

Add "Edit" button at the Ticket Title
I took a while to discover that to edit the ticket title at GLPI 10, I had to edit the original ticket request. It would be great if there is a "Edit" button when hovering the ticket title so we could edit it on the fly, like GitHub does.

Load icon when enabling external plugins (not using Marketplace)
It would be great for users that do not use GLPI Marketplace (I didn't use it because our hosting provider didn't provide BZ2 and TAR php extensions) that when enabling a plugin it shows a "loading" when enabling/activating a plug-in like the GLPI Marketplace interface do. Nowadays the browser tab simply shows "loading" but it can lead a user to think that nothing is happening and click on install/activate button twice.

GLPI 10+ : badge number with tickets assigned to [me]
Hello team,
With GLPI 9+, there was a position-fixed button with a counter which notified how many tickets were assigned to the authenticated user.
That button doesn't exist anymore on the top of GLPI pages.
Is there a way to restore it ?
There are many contributors who used this button before, and who claim this functionality back.
Thank you

Private description of ticket
If you think about it, it makes lots of sens if you want to solve an internal private issues with external parties who need to perform tasks without knowing about important informations included in the descriptions.
Kind regards, and thank you for all the efforts to create this beautiful system

Date et heure de la derniere connection
serait il possible d'ajouter une colonne afin de connaitre la date et heure de la derniere connection sur le pc ?

Search for equipment with this field
The idea : a little search button near every (or a selection of) field, when displaying an equipment details.
The search field would be already set with the value of the one from the equipment details.
My equipment's model is XXXX (type is YYYY). I click the 'search for the same' button and my search will be set with 'model is XXXX' field and type is YYYY.

Checkbox dans les description
I know there is a license problem using checkbox because of tinymce
But still, this is a need, I hink : be able to simply add a checkbox, with its state being saved as ticket is saved.
It could let us create easy task lists without the need to add a glpi task for every task of the tasklist, which coule be a real pain
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