Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Allow use of consumables to tickets
When using a ticket, I want to assign some consumables to it and have them be adjusted in the consumables panel.
So, if I have a printer that the team submitted a ticket for more ink,
- I go into the ticket
- click a new "consumables" tab
- Add the consumables to the ticket (just like items, only with the extra "consumables" data like who it's assigned to)
- The inventory in consumables changes to reflect the ink that was used.
Dashboard data optimization
Must have a Computers dashboard by operating system. "Computers by operating system" W7, w10, w11, ubnt, redh....
Create dynamic groups based on installed software
For example, gather every computer in a group that has Google Chrome installed. Seems to be impossible at the moment (GLPI 10.0.17).
"Answer" in predefined fields in ticket templates doesn't exist
I would like you to add the option to set a template "answer" in the predefined fields, as this option does not currently exist. What I want is that when you click the "Answer" button in the tickets, a preselected template with the response for the ticket automatically appears.
Tickets template > Predefined Field > Answer not exist
There is a similar option now, but you have to select the answer template manually. It would be great, if glpi could do it automatically base on a predefined field.
When creating ticket, add item without the need to push the "Add" button
Original GitHub issue:
- Press "Create a ticket"
- Go to "items" section
- Choose an item
- Notice that if you don't press "add" right below the items, but use the "+Add" button at the bottom of the page, ticket gets created without the asset assigned to the ticket
It would be great if item would be added to ticket without the need to push the "Add" button.
Absent mention functionality in simplified form on the field named "Description"
This was reported at and was directed to this page, but I cannot find such topic here, hence creating this topic.
I suggest you update "" certificate
The FAQ on refers to "" which leads to the following certification warning before redirecting to
"This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate expired 67 days ago."
ticket waterfall system
Is it possible to had in glpi a system that permit user to fill a form and after he done, the form will create the first good ticket once the first ticket is solved the second start, etc. It's like formcreator but formcreator create all ticket directly me I want ticket follow an order...
I think this system will permit to some enterptrise to save time and search because ticket will be created one after one...
If you wan't more precision just tell me :)
Business rules for profile restriction to ticket with status "New"
In our company we need a new rule to grant or restrict access for certain profiles or individual users on tickets with status "New". In GLPI 10.0.16 i don't see this option, so i would like to suggest to make this rule.
add linked tickets in problems /changes
Within the interface there is no "Linked Tickets" field. This is nearly a
must as some change/problems have dependencies and there is no way to
track them.
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