Please check if the feature has not already been requested.
If not, please describe it
Mask in mac-address field
Put a mask in mac-address field.
See this plugin of jQuery:
MAC: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
It could be useful for IP, number telephone, etc.
Backup in Google Drive or Dropbox
Enable the posibility of save the backups in the Owncloud, Google Drive, Dropbox or Mega.
Business Rule to associate items to the ticket
i'm trying to do this:
the first one is mine
basically I try to implement this rule:
Criterion: Description
Condition: regular expression matches
Reason: /([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/
Fields: Associated element
Action type: Assign: equipment by IP address
Value: #0
and also with the computer name:
Criterion: Description
Condition: regular expression matches
Reason: /(myprefix[0-9]{1,5})/
Fields: Associated element
Action type: Assign: equipment by name + domain
Value: #0
not working...
GLPI version: i've tried with 0.84 and 0.90
Thanks in advance!
ListView project manager tree
Nice project manager in 0.90.1, but non tree view and this bad...
Subprojects in all list view no good idea
Add roles to manage users
It would be nice if we could have "roles" that contain groups and authorizations
Eg : There is a role named "HelpDesk Lvl1-2"
This role has :
- the profile "HelpDesk Lv1" on entity E1
- the profile "HelpDesk Lv2" on entity E2.
- the groups A, B, C, D, ...
I create a user with this role and he takes the corresponding profiles and groups.
Je crée un grand nombre d'utilisateurs avec les mêmes profils / autorisations et les mêmes groupes.
Ce serait bien si nous pouvions avoir des «rôles» qui contiendraient des groupes et des autorisations
Ex : Il y a un rôle nommé "HelpDesk Lvl1-2"
Ce rôle a:
- Le profil "HelpDesk Lv1" sur l'entité E1
- Le profil "HelpDesk Lv2" sur l'entité E2.
- Les groupes A, B, C, D, ...
Je crée un utilisateur avec ce rôle et il prend les profils et les groupes correspondants.
Create wiki
If a wiki was available I could update procedures because on the website many procedure are obsoletes.
Major priority on actions - Business rules
When we add a business rule, on Actions we can assign "Very high", 'high'... priority but we cannot assign the "Major" priority
Integration of plugin Web applications
Most organization use some form of Web application such as OWA, WordPress, Joomla or GLPI.
The Web applications plugin allows tickets to be associated with the web application.
The last few releases for the Web applications plugin fail to support association of ticket which is the most required feature of the plugin.
Integrating the Web applications plugin would allow myself and others to upgrade to the current version of GLPI rather than being held back.
Customer support service by UserEcho