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Win 10 multiple Software

asdf 5 years ago 0


since upgrading the Pc to Windows 10 the Dialog with installed software looks like this.... What's going wrong?

Image 210


Customize action names for notification e-mails

markwakwak 5 years ago 0


I want to customize my actions names as described in the Configuration > Notification page :

Image 209

For instance, here, I'd like to have "UPD" instead of "Nouveau suivi", to indicate that the ticket was updated.

I may have found an inelegant way to do this by duplicating templates, then replacing the ##ticket.action## by the actual action, which is not cool since I have to deal with too many templates.

Is it possible to customize this ?


Remove subcategory display from ##ticket.category##

markwakwak 5 years ago 0


Conversely from my question about ##ticket.entity##, is it possible to remove the sub category from the ##ticket.category## tag in mail template ?

For example, I have "Ticket category > Sub category", I want to display only "Ticket category" in the notification, but keep the subcategory in my GLPI system, for statistics.


Remove "Root entity" from ##ticket.entity## in the notification template

markwakwak 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 1


I would like to have the choice to display or not "Root entity" in the subject of my notification e-mails.

For instance, if I have "Root entity > Entity" displayed, I would like to choose to display only "Entity".

Is it possible ?

My goal is to get as few information I can in my subject.


Make Dashboard for supplier too(Supplier Panel)

Vikram Singh 5 years ago 0

Supplier can login and manage his sub-users and thier tickets


faire remonter un ordinateur hors réseau

yannickp 5 years ago 0

bonjour, dans une de mes structure avec GLPI tout les ordinateur ont bien remonter, sauf un qui ce trouve autre part.

Comment extraire les informations des cette ordinateur et les réinjecter dans le GLPI.

Merci d'avance


Being able to hide projects' subtasks

gervaise thomas41 5 years ago 0

Hi !

I think it would be desirable to be able to hide the subtasks of a project's task in the tasklist, because it just doesn't seem very ergonomic to me. I will leave it up to you guys to decide whether it's a good idea or not. I think it's just polluting and distracting from the main project's lines. 

Thanks !



Status for component

m_clece 5 years ago 0

I would need to be able to set a status and actions to my different components (like "ok or ko or others" to status and like "to be clean or to recycle or others" to actions) include them in my enclosures. 


sobre desconectar un componente de la pc

yusmy 5 years ago 0

De que forma GLPI mostraria (quizas lo haga y no lo sé) si se ¨robaron¨ o desconectaron una parte de la pc, lanzaria alerta


Closed ticket

Zinhle 5 years ago 0

is there a way that when user information changes. the tickets which have been closed do not get updated to the new user information. users move around and i want all call records to remain with old user information because that information was true at the time the call was logged.